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09/16/2024 | Campus-Meldung

New technologies are transforming training processes in the pharmaceutical industry

A digital training environment improves quality and efficiency in the planning and implementation of safety-critical production processes - this is the aim of a project involving two university departments.

The project team.Image: University of Kassel.
The project team.

The PharmaXR research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (duration: August 2024 - July 2027) enables training using XR and AI technologies for employees in the pharmaceutical industry. PharmaXR uses the possibilities of eXtended Reality (XR) to design completely new digital training and learning scenarios for quality-critical value creation processes. To this end, the adaptability of companies is also considered at an organizational level. Sensor-based activity recognition with artificial intelligence should make it possible to digitally monitor the correct execution of employees' production steps and provide feedback in the event of errors. The research project has the potential to fundamentally change the way employees are trained in the pharmaceutical industry.

Innovative training technologies for Industry 4.0

PharmaXR, funded as part of the "Industry 4.0 - Adaptability of companies in the value creation of tomorrow" initiative (In Wandel), is developing an advanced digital training environment. This makes it possible to provide employees with targeted training even before they work in real production facilities. PharmaXR offers significant advantages, particularly when planning and setting up production processes for sensitive products such as vaccines.

"By training staff in virtual environments at an early stage, companies can save valuable time and significantly improve the quality of work processes," explains Project Leader Prof. Dr. Andreas Lischka (PTS Training Service). "The combination of XR technology with AI-based activity recognition makes it possible to precisely train safety-critical work steps and thus significantly reduce the risk of errors in real production."

Virtual training for real challenges

A particularly noteworthy feature of PharmaXR is the ability to virtually enter a cleanroom. This feature allows employees to familiarize themselves with the specific requirements and protocols of these highly sensitive environments before actually working on site. This not only reduces training times, but also increases efficiency and safety in pharmaceutical production.

Project partners and collaboration

PharmaXR is supported by a strong consortium of experts from various fields. The project partners include PTS Training Service, FLAVIA IT-Management GmbH, Sigmund Lindner GmbH, the University of Kassel and the Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft deutscher Tierärzte eG, with CUP Laboratorien Dr. Freitag GmbH as an anticipated partner. These partners contribute their respective expertise to develop a holistic and practical solution for the challenges of the pharmaceutical industry.

Contribution of the University of Kassel

  • ComTec

ComtTec is responsible for researching AI-based algorithms for activity recognition using wearables. Activities, i.e. work steps, are to be recognized via data recording with smartphones and smartwatches, for example. This makes it possible to ensure the quality of production processes during training using XR and AI technologies. This also provides the basis for a quality assistance and documentation system.

  • A&O - Work and organizational psychology

A&O contributes to the development of AI algorithms with its cEYEberman measurement suit. The data collected by cEYEberman allows human behavioral parameters in production processes to be collected effectively by recording gaze and body postures. Furthermore, ergonomic requirements are collected and analyzed and psychologically effective change management is developed by means of requirements scanning.

Future prospects

PharmaXR marks a decisive step towards a digitalized and efficient training strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. The project has the potential to change not only the training processes, but also the entire value chain in the industry in the long term.


Prof. Dr. Klaus David
University of Kassel
Department of Communication Technology
E-mail: klaus.david[at]comtec.eecs.uni-kassel[dot]de


Prof. Dr. habil. Oliver Straeter
University of Kassel
Work and Organizational Psychology
E-mail: straeter[at]uni-kassel[dot]de