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Discussion event with Carolin Emcke for students at the University of Kassel

Image: Andreas Labes

Dr. Carolin Emcke, author and winner of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, receives the Kassel Citizens' Prize "Glass of Reason". The day before the award ceremony, on Saturday, September 28, at 4 p.m., she will be taking part in a discussion with students and pupils at the University of Kassel.

At UNI:Lokal, Emcke will discuss the question of how democracy can be strengthened with Ute Clement, Wilfried Sommer and young people from Kassel. Students from the University of Kassel are very welcome and, together with the Kassel Youth Symposium, have the opportunity to get to know Emcke and exchange ideas with her. Registration is not necessary.

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