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Discussion event "It wouldn't have happened to a robot - controversial science"
That wouldn't have happened to a robot!
How artificial intelligence and digitalization are changing our working world.
Whether in the factory, the doctor's surgery or the office - progress in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics and digitalization is as impressive as it is rapid. However, precisely because of the great importance that AI and robotics are attributed to the future of work, these advances are generating many hopes as well as reservations and fears among the population. While humans used to operate many machines themselves, in many places they now only perform a control function or have been completely replaced by them.
The discussion "It wouldn't have happened to a robot!" is about what the interaction between humans and machines could look like in everyday working life in the future. How are robotization and digitalization changing individual occupational fields? What different forms can human-technology interactions take in production or office work? Will they lead to an improvement in our working conditions or to a devaluation of human labor and loss of employment? And how can we as a society react to these developments?
Dr. rer. pol. Philipp Ebel
University of Kassel, Research Group Leader in the Department of Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jürgens
University of Kassel, Head of the Department of Microsociology
Dr. Jürgen Klippert
IG Metall Executive Board, Future of Work Department
Claus Peter Müller von der Grün
Holländische Straße 74
34127 Kassel