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Digital brainstorming - numerous ideas for a sustainable university
Brainstorming is known as a creative method for finding ideas. In particular, it promotes creativity by actively thinking about a specific topic or participating in it. This process usually requires time and the necessary motivation to deal with a topic. Many university stakeholders do not always have this time available in everyday university life. For this reason, the organizers are more than surprised by the large number of constructive submissions and are pleased that sustainability is seen as a major issue at the University of Kassel by both students and staff.
Among the 160 submissions, many ideas and suggestions were received, which dealt with topics such as nutrition (more vegetarian dishes in the canteen, no disposable packaging in the canteens), mobility (e.g. e-bike leasing for employees, expansion of charging stations for e-cars and e-bikes), landscaping on campus (more green spaces, trees and flowering meadows), the use or ordering of recycled paper and sustainable office supplies as well as the installation of drinking water dispensers.
However, there are also many wishes with regard to sustainability-related research and teaching. These include, for example, the introduction of mandatory sustainability teaching in degree courses and better internal and supra-regional networking.
In addition, concrete ideas were also expressed regarding improved coordination structures for the area of sustainability as well as improved information work and raising awareness of environmental and sustainability aspects.
A large number of students show great motivation and commitment in terms of participation and making contributions. However, they would also like the university to create appropriate framework conditions for participation in the future.
In order not to let the process end with the brainstorming campaign, the organizers, the integrated sustainability management in the company, the office for environmental profile development and the AStA, invited students to a joint exchange on the topic of sustainable development in university operations with the Chancellor, Dr. Oliver Fromm, on 9 October 2020. The results of the brainstorming session were presented and discussed at the event for interested parties.
The ideas and wishes of employees and students will now be compiled and subsequently presented on the Environment and Sustainability website. All contributions are seen as helpful suggestions for research, teaching and operations, which should be taken into account in future planning. The aim is to involve university stakeholders more in future and to create transparent structures, thereby involving all those interested in the topic in the process of sustainable development at the university.
Integrated Sustainability Management in Operations
Department V - Construction, Technology, Real Estate
Group VC - Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
Georg Mösbauer
Nadine Chrubasik