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12/15/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Attractive outdoor areas and new multifunctional square

The outdoor facilities between Aueparkhalle and task-Halle on Damaschkestraße have been completely renovated. Inaugurated yesterday with a ceremony, they were opened for use today.

The photo shows the multifunctional square before and after the renovation
The multifunctional square before and after the renovation (Photo: Uni Kassel)

The task hall is a three-field hall that brings sports-related projects from scientific research work into practical sports application. Since its completion in 2020, it has been used by both clubs and the University of Kassel. The outdoor facilities and surrounding open spaces had become very outdated and damaged. The traffic areas were therefore resurfaced and access roads and parking spaces for the fire and rescue services were created. In addition, bicycle parking spaces and outdoor seating areas were created, the green areas were redesigned and the outdoor lighting was renewed. The areas now offer the best quality of stay between the two sports halls, not least for events such as "Uni in Bewegung", sports tournaments and much more.

The tennis court was completely dismantled, the entire drainage system renewed and rebuilt as a multifunctional court with a synthetic surface. Now that it is no longer just a tennis court, it can be used for various activities all year round.

The construction work, which began this year in April, was completed in November with the planting work. The total construction costs for the outdoor facilities amount to around 700,000 euros. The university's share is around 250,000 euros. The tennis court is largely financed by university sports funds. The total construction costs here amount to around 240,000 euros. The City of Kassel was in charge of the outdoor facilities project and was supported by the University's Department of Construction and Facilities Management, while the multifunctional court project was carried out by the University itself.

Norbert Krempel
Department of Construction and Facilities Management
Tel.: 0561 / 804-2707
E-mail: krempel[at]uni-kassel[dot]de