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12/20/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Courses for students in Ukraine

In order to promote Ukrainian students, the state of Hesse is supporting seven cooperation projects at four universities in the current funding round of the Hesse-Ukraine Bridge Program. These include a German-Ukrainian course at the Universities of Kassel and L'viv.

Image: z0rc/CC
The university in L'viv.

With the project "The Literary Enlightenment and its Media: A Bilingual Digitally Supported Course for Students of German Studies in Ukraine" (Nikola Roßbach), the University of Kassel is responding to the significantly more difficult study conditions for students of German studies as a result of the war. In cooperation with the Ivan Franko University of L'viv, a digitally supported bilingual double course consisting of a lecture and a seminar is being offered, with the lecture being offered in German and the seminar in Ukrainian. The course is designed for up to 100 students.

Support is also provided for a course on specialist communication skills for Ukrainian students - digital learning units for specialist communication skills as a bridge for the academic success of Ukrainian students (at the Language Center) and the Talking about war: uttering and translation after the collapse of the language project. Lada Nakonechna, Department of Art and Society, is responsible for this project.

The Hesse-Ukraine Bridge Program is part of the action plan "Solidarity with Ukraine - Peace in Europe - Hesse helps", which the Hessian state government presented in May 2022.