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06/17/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Contribution to the protection of persecuted and endangered researchers

As part of the "HessenFonds für Geflüchtete und Verfolgte - hochqualifizierte Studierende, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler", two applicants are being supported at the University of Kassel. They come from Turkey and Russia.

The picture shows the University of Kassel, Holländischer Platz campus.
University of Kassel, Holländischer Platz campus. Photo: University of Kassel

In the 17th application round of the "HessenFonds für Geflüchtete und Verfolgte", the Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture (HMWK) is awarding a total of 19 scholarships worth around 900,000 euros to highly qualified refugee students, academics and researchers at risk of persecution in their home countries. They receive funding from the state of Hesse, usually for a period of one year. The selected grantees in the current application round come from seven countries, including Afghanistan, Iran and Russia. The largest group comes from Ukraine.

Two of the grantees are studying and researching at the University of Kassel. They come from Turkey and Russia. Prof. Dr. Michael Wachendorf, Vice President of the University of Kassel responsible for research, is delighted with the support from the HessenFonds: "It is a strong plea for academic freedom. We at our university also benefit from the research carried out by the recipients."

The main aim of the scholarships for students is to support the initial phase of their studies in order to help them successfully complete their studies. In the area of science and doctorates, particularly qualified young researchers and academics established in their field of research are supported at the start of their career at a Hessian university. Since the start of the program in 2016, a total of 328 people have been selected for funding through the "HessenFonds" in 16 application rounds.