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08/30/2024 | Pressemitteilung

Application deadlines extended - places available on Bachelor's and teacher training courses

You can still apply and enrol for Bachelor's and teacher training courses at the University of Kassel until October 7. The deadlines for these undergraduate courses have been extended accordingly. For the Master's degree courses, the application deadline is September 15.

Image: Sascha Mannel.

The extension of the application deadlines applies to all open-admission Bachelor's and teacher training courses and here for all applicants with a German university entrance qualification. The procedure for foreign applicants has already been completed for some time.

From computer science and teacher training to bachelor's degree courses in the humanities and social sciences or nanostructural sciences, many degree courses still have a few places available.

A digital application via the website is sufficient for all these degree courses. An overview of all degree programs, all deadlines and the application and enrolment process can be found here:

Note: The Bachelor's degree programs in Social Work and Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning had a shortened enrolment period this year. The procedures here have already been completed.