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09/24/2024 | Pressemitteilung

Ulrich Teichler Prize awarded to two INCHER members

On September 24, 2024, the Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf) honored three young researchers for their achievements in the field of higher education research. The Ulrich Teichler Prize for outstanding dissertations was awarded to Magdalena Fellner and Nicolai Götze, both members of the Kassel International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER). The award ceremony took place during the 19th annual conference of the GfHf.

Image: Picture People Kassel / INCHER.
Magdalena Fellner (left) and Nicolai Götze (right) received the Ulrich Teichler Prize 2024.

Magdalena Fellner was awarded the Ulrich Teichler Prize for her dissertation on "Studierfähigkeit als soziales Konstrukt. Restriction and expansion of collective spaces of possibility through underlying understandings" was awarded the Ulrich Teichler Prize. In it, she systematizes the diverse and divergent understandings of the ability to study and poses the question of how the understandings of the ability to study affect collective spaces of possibility for the development of the ability to study. Fellner completed her dissertation with "summa cum laude" at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) in 2023 and has been a senior researcher at the "Students and Graduates" research area of the International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER) at the University of Kassel since March 2024. Nicolai Götze received the prize for his dissertation "Institutional Filters: The German Higher Education System between Persistence and Reform" (University of Kassel). This focuses on the permanent reform with simultaneous stubborn persistence in the (German) higher education system. Goetze's dissertation at the University of Kassel was also awarded "summa cum laude". It can be found in open access at the link: Lisa-Marie Steinkampf (University of Hanover) received the prize for an outstanding thesis for her Master's thesis on "A typology of professorial careers in Germany".

The prerequisite for the award, which is decided by a GfHf jury, is that a well-founded contribution is made to the specialist and professional development of university research. The Ulrich Teichler Prize for dissertations consists of a printing cost subsidy of a maximum of €2,000 and additional prize money of €1,000. The prize money for the award-winning theses amounts to €1,000. The Ulrich Teichler Prize has been awarded annually since 2008. The Kassel-based higher education researcher Prof. Dr. Ulrich Teichler (INCHER) established the prize to encourage young academics to take an academic approach to questions of higher education research.

Doctoral students and graduates from universities in German-speaking countries can apply for the Ulrich Teichler Prize and the Society for Higher Education Research Prize, which are awarded annually. The authors do not have to be members of the Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung. A jury appointed by the Board of the Society for Higher Education Research, consisting of university researchers from various disciplines, decides on the submitted work.


Dr. Christiane Rittgerott
International Center for Higher Education Research
University of Kassel
Mönchebergstrasse 19
34109 Kassel
E-mail: rittgerott[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de