Junior researcher representatives

Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Johannes
FB 01: Fa­cul­ty of Hu­man Sci­en­ces
Zimmermann, Johannes
Prof. Dr. Schrott, Angela
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Schrott, Angela
Prof. Dr. Tuider, Elisabeth
FB 05: Fa­cul­ty of So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
Tuider, Elisabeth
Prof. Dr. Keller, Carsten
FB 06: Fa­cul­ty of Ar­chi­tec­tu­re, Ur­ban Plan­ning, Land­scape Plan­ning
Keller, Carsten
Prof. Dr. Söllner, Matthias
FB 07: Faculty of Economics and Management
Söllner, Matthias
Prof. Dr. Knees, Dorothee
FB 10: Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Na­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Knees, Dorothee
Prof. Dr. Gornott, Christoph
FB 11: Fa­cul­ty of Or­ga­nic Agri­cul­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Gornott, Christoph
Prof. Dr. Mellage, Adrian
FB 14: Fa­cul­ty of Ci­vil and En­vi­ron­men­tal En­gi­nee­ring
Mellage, Adrian
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fehlbier, Martin
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Fehlbier, Martin
Prof. Dr. Draude, Claude
FB 16: Fa­cul­ty of Electri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and Com­pu­ter Sci­ence
Draude, Claude
Prof. Dr. Ritzmann, Susanne
College of Art
Ritzmann, Susanne
Prof. Dr. Härtl, Holden
Centre for Teacher Training
Härtl, Holden
Prof. Dr. Stengl, Monika
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "mul­tis­ca­le clocks"
Stengl, Monika
Prof. Dr. Heinzel, Friederike
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "INTERFACH"
Heinzel, Friederike
Prof. Dr. Welti, Felix
Research training group „JUST“
Welti, Felix