Procedure for re-registering
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Students, who are enrolled at the University of Kassel and wish to continue or complete their studies during the upcoming semester, must re-register.
You have to be registered, in order for you to be elligible to gain credits. This includes a bachelor's or master's thesis. A de-registration with a complete degree can only be considered after the final examination.
Announcement of the deadline
All students will receive an "Infomail" who have activated a "User Account" of the IT Service Centre (ITS) and check the inbox of your personal university e-mail address "".
Successful re-registration
Re-registration takes place within a re-registration period. The receipt of payment of the semester fee at the University of Kassel is considered as a re-registration declaration. Re-registration is automatically carried out by transferring the semester fee. Whether the semester fee has been received and the re-registration has been completed can be viewed in eCampus under "My Studies" -> "Student Services" -> "My Status" and "Payments" after approximately seven days from the date of transfer.
Late re-registration
Late re-registration within a grace period is still possible by paying a late fee (30 €). After re-registration, the CampusCard can be validated at the vending machine.
Semester fee
You can obtain more general information about the makeup of the semester fees at the Semester fee site.
If you paid too much during the previous semester, your student account may still have a credit balance. If this is the case, you only need to transfer the difference between the full semester fees and your credit balance from the last semester.
You can view your personal semester fees at the eCampus under Study services.
Bank transfer
Please transfer the semester fee to the University of Kassel’s account at Kasseler Sparkasse, quoting the following transfer details:
- Please enter your student registration number in the “reason for payment” box.
- Please enter your name in the “further reason for payment” box.
Please note that additional fees are incurred if you are transferring funds from abroad. Please ask your bank about these and factor them in when transferring the fees.
QR code

If you use a banking app on your smartphone, you can use it to scan this QR code. The recipient, IBAN and amount will then be filled in automatically. Nevertheless, please make sure to include your matriculation number and your name in the intended purpose.
Delayed re-registration and obstructions
Causes for delayed re-registration
- You have ordered the transfer of the semester fee after 01.03.2025.
- The receipt of payment is on time but incomplete.
The re-registration is only possible within the grace period. The grace period begins on 02.03.2025 and ends on 20.03.2025.
In case of re-registration within the grace period, however, an additional fee of € 30 will be charged. This reminder fee can be transferred together with the semester fee. If you have already transferred the entire semester fee, you only pay the reminder fee (account details and transfer form see above).
A re-registration cannot be carried out if there is an obstacle (e.g. no new health insurance notified, registration requirement not fulfilled yet).
Feedback barriers and obstacles
Re-registration cannot be carried out if there is an obstacle (e.g. new health insurance has not been notified, enrollment requirement not yet fulfilled).
You can check in eCampus ("My studies" - "Student services" - "Blocks") whether there is a block on re-registration. If you do not have a re-registration block, you will not see "Blocks" in eCampus.
The following re-registration blocks may exist:
1. late payment health insurance: your health insurance company has notified you that you are in arrears with your insurance premiums. You can only re-register if your health insurance company reports electronically that the arrears have been settled (via an "M13"). If you have already been de-registered due to failure to re-register and you wish to cancel this within the objection period, you must contact the student secretariat in this case
2. submit documents required for enrolment (e.g. Bachelor's certificate for Master's degree programs, proof of internship for the Bachelor's degree in Organic Agriculture): Re-registration can only take place once the documents have been submitted.
3. part-time studies: Re-registration can only take place if you submit a new part-time application for the coming semester or inform the Registrar's Office by e-mail that you wish to continue your studies on a regular basis.
4 Temporary enrolment: For certain degree programs or "degree types", you can only be enrolled for a certain period of time, e.g. doctoral studies or master's studies. You can only re-register if you submit proof that enrollment is still possible (e.g. doctoral studies: extension of the letter of acceptance).
In addition to the re-registration blocks, there may be other reasons that prevent you from re-registering:
1. you have already completed your degree program and your degree is recorded on your transcript of records: if you wish to continue your studies at the University of Kassel, you must either apply for and enroll in a Master's degree program or transfer to another Bachelor's degree program.
2. you have definitively failed your degree program or a subject (teaching degree): It may be possible to transfer to another degree program or another subject. If you are studying several degree programs or several subjects, you may be able to continue studying them and only the degree program/subject that you have definitively failed cannot be continued. This must be checked on a case-by-case basis.
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