Welcome Center for international guest researchers and doctoral candidates

The Welcome Centre of the International Office is your contact for all organizational questions concerning your stay in Kassel or at the Witzenhausen location. We will also be happy to help you find suitable contact persons in our research areas.

Preparing for a stay in Kassel requires some planning. We hope that the checklist below will make your preparations easier and give you an initial orientation.


Image: Sonja Rode

Before arrival


We would like to give you (and your family) a good start in Kassel. Please contact us in good time and register using our registration form. The information provided there will help us to take good care of you right from the start.

Registration: To the registration

Start immediately after acceptance

Research funding

Every research stay is preceded by the question of funding. This is an important factor and should be carefully considered. You have the following options at the University of Kassel:

  • Vacancies for academic staff
  • Funding for young researchers at the university
  • Sponsors outside the university
  • Further funding opportunities

Advice on teaching and research funding

The Research Department of the University of Kassel and the Department of Internationalization and International Cooperation are available to assist you with funding issues.

Information on visas and residence permits can be found here: Visa, entry and residence issues

Please note that the housing market in Kassel, as in other German cities, is very tight and we therefore recommend that you start looking for accommodation as early as possible. To increase your chances, we recommend extending your search to the suburbs of Kassel. Thanks to the very well-developed public transportation system, the suburbs are very well connected to the city. For a one-room apartment, you should plan on an average rent of around 600-800 euros.


International House

The guest house of the University of Kassel offers visiting academics modern accommodation close to campus in a pleasant and communicative atmosphere at reasonable prices:

Information on accommodation in the International House

Finding accommodation
The local newspaper "HNA" offers an accommodation search portal: HNA Wohnen

3-6 months before arrival

EU citizens
You can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for temporary stays in Germany: EU information page. The card gives you access to medical care comparable to that in your home country. Please also contact your health insurance provider.

Non-EU citizens
Please clarify with your health insurance company which services must be covered in Germany or whether you need to take out supplementary insurance. If neither is possible, you must take out private health insurance in Germany. You can find out more about the German healthcare system here: Health insurance in Germany



Shortly before your arrival

You should bring the following important documents with you for your stay at the University of Kassel:

  • Valid identity document/passport
  • Passport photos
  • Credit card/ EC card
  • vaccination certificate
  • Information on medication/illnesses, if applicable
  • Confirmation of funding for the stay
  • Visa, if applicable
  • If applicable, certified copies of qualification certificates (university entrance certificate, university certificate, doctoral certificate, habilitation certificate)

If you are bringing your family with you:

  • Valid identity documents/passport of the children and spouse
  • Birth certificate of you and your spouse
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates of the children

Depending on the country of issue, you may need a certified translation or legalization for your documents. Find out about this at the German embassy or consulate in your home country before you leave.

How do I get to the university? Where are the streetcar stops and parking lots? And how do I find the administration building and the International Office? The directions and maps will help you find your way around the university campus. You can find detailed information here: Locations of the University of Kassel

After arrival

After your arrival, you must register promptly at the citizens' office of the city of Kassel or Witzenhausen. You will need the following documents for registration:


Kassel Citizens' Office
Town Hall
Obere Königsstrasse 8
34117 Kassel


Witzenhausen Citizens' Office
Witzenhausen Town Council
Am Markt 1
37213 Witzenhausen


If you move during your stay, you must re-register at the Citizens' Office responsible for your new place of residence, i.e. register your new address.


If you come from a non-EU country, you must apply for a residence permit at the local foreigners authority or the relevant citizens' office before the validity of your entry visa has expired.

If you have been living in Germany for more than three months, we recommend that you open a German current account. You must open the account in person at a financial institution in Kassel or Witzenhausen.

The broadcasting fee is a type of fee that every household in Germany has to pay to finance public television and radio programs in order to provide the citizens of Germany with independent and diverse information, to reflect the diversity of opinions in society and to contribute to democracy. The contribution is paid per apartment - regardless of how many people live in the apartment or what equipment is available. You can find more information here: The broadcasting fee



Living in Kassel and Witzenhausen

The University of Kassel supports families with the service facility: Family Welcome and Dual Career Service

Important telephone numbers:

  • Emergency doctor and fire department: 112

  • Police: 110

  • Poison control center Mainz: +49 6131 19 240

  • Rescue center at the hospital: +49 561 980-0

Who helps in case of illness?

The healthcare system in Germany offers you a wide range of advice and support. You can choose your own doctor. It is advisable to have a family doctor. This is where you can go first in the event of illness, for check-ups or vaccination appointments. The family doctor can refer you to a specialist if necessary.

People with statutory health insurance receive healthcare services without having to pay for them in advance. Doctors bill the health insurance companies for the services they provide. The doctor invoices the privately insured person for his medical services. The patient must pay the bill directly to the doctor. They can then have these expenses reimbursed by their private health insurance company - to the extent agreed in the contract.

If you need a doctor outside opening hours or at the weekend, you can find out more about the general practitioner on-call service on the Internet.

Source: Health department of the Kassel region


Hospitals in Kassel:

Before departure

Before you leave, you must

  • the rental agreement
  • the contract of the water, heating and electricity provider
  • the bank account
  • the mobile phone contract, if applicable

cancel your mobile phone contract. The notice periods can vary greatly.

  • Before you leave the country, you must deregister at your local citizens' office; you can deregister abroad online in Kassel.
  • Please also remember to deregister from the broadcasting fee. You can find information here: Deregistration
  • Deregister your children from kindergarten and/or school.
  • Are all books back in the university library?
  • If necessary, set up a forwarding request for your mail.
  • Register as an alumni.

The program for returning experts is aimed at people who, after studying, training or working in Germany, use their knowledge and experience for the further development of their countries of origin.

Details of the program can be found on the World University Service (WUS) website.

Contact us

Name, ForenameContact
Ickler, Anke
Event program for international researchers
Otto, Martina
Service for international guest researchers, visiting programs

Link tip: Research in Germany

Research-in-Germany.org is an information platform for international researchers on the German research landscape.

Link tip: Research in Germany: Forward