Sustainability Day: Paths to climate neutrality
Review and presentations
Content review and presentations
- Rückblick_zur_Veranstaltung.pdf - 555 KB
- 01_Einführungsvortrag_CO2-neutrale_Landesverwaltung.pdf - 1 MB
- 02_Impulsvortrag_Uni_Kassel_Intracting.pdf - 1 MB
- 03_Impulsvortrag_THM_Pfad_zur_Klimaneutralität.pdf - 8 MB
- 04_Impulsvortrag_TUDa_Zwischenbericht_Weg_zur_Klimaneutralität.pdf - 2 MB
- 05_Impulsvortrag_Uni_Kassel_Verwirrung_der_Begrifflichkeiten.pdf - 3 MB
Event for the 8th Hessian Sustainability Day on 26.09.2024
10:00 - 10:30 a.m. - Arrival and check-in
10:30 a.m. - Welcome and opening
Dr. Oliver Fromm, Chancellor of the University of Kassel
Georg Mösbauer, Nadine Chrubasik, Green Office University of Kassel
10:40 a.m. - Introductory lecture
CO2-neutral state administration: status quo, framework conditions, measures
Hans-Günter Göddemeyer,CO2-neutral state administration
11:15 a.m. - Keynote speeches on implementation measures
Intracting to increase energy efficiency
Dirk Schnurr, Energy Efficiency Manager, University of Kassel
THM path toCO2 neutrality using the example of a wastewater heat utilization system
Erik Greß, ECO2 team, Central Hesse University of Applied Sciences
Building blocks & obstacles on the way to net zero - an interim report
Dr.-Ing. David Sauerwein, Consultant for climate-friendly buildings and districts, Technical University of Darmstadt
12:15 - 13:00 - Break with lunch snack
1:00 p.m.
What actually is climate neutrality? About the confusion of terminology
Wiebke Kirchhof, Energy Master Plan, University of Kassel
13:20 - 14:20 - Discussion round
Climate neutrality despite energy consumption, how can this be achieved?
Dr. Oliver Fromm
Chancellor of the University of Kassel
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Holger Rohn
Sustainability Officer, Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences
Hans-Günter Göddemeyer
CO2-neutral state administration, Hessian Ministry of Finance
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz
Vice President for Digitalization, Sustainability and Infrastructure, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer
Department of Sustainable Technology Design, Kassel Institute for Sustainability, University of Kassel
14:20 - 14:30 - Wrap up of the event
14:30 - 15:30 - Coffee Talk - Space for exchange between the participants
Speakers of the keynote speeches
Dirk Schnurr, Energy Efficiency Manager,
University of Kassel

Intracting to increase
energy efficiency
Dirk Schnurr has been an energy efficiency manager at the University of Kassel since 2017 and is responsible for setting up and coordinating the intracting model, among other things. Prior to this, he had many years of experience as an energy officer for the Schwalm-Eder district.
Dr.-Ing. David Sauerwein, Consultant for climate-friendly buildings and districts,
Darmstadt University of Technology

Building blocks & obstacles on the way to net zero - an interim report
After graduating in Architecture and ClimaDesign, worked as an architect for several years. Then research assistant and doctorate at the Department of Architecture at the TU Darmstadt. Since 2023 consultant for "Climate-friendly buildings and neighborhoods" at Department V - Construction Management and Technical Operations at TU Darmstadt.
Erik Greß, ECO2 team,
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

THM path toCO2 neutrality using the example of a wastewater heat utilization system
Erik Gress, an experienced engineer in the field of energy systems with a focus on building technology, is a long-standing member of the ECO2 team at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen. He has played a key role in developing and refining the energy concept for aCO2-neutral university.
Wiebke Kirchhof, Energy Master Plan,
Green Office of the University of Kassel

What exactly is climate neutrality? About the confusion of terms
Architect and energy consultant, DGNB auditor for buildings and districts (German Sustainable Building Council), specializing in building physics / engineering offices / municipal climate protection management / climate change impact adaptation
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