Sustainability teaching

In addition to research, the focus of the Institute is on the (further-)development of teaching and courses related to sustainability. This institutionalized unity of research and teaching distinguishes the Kassel Institute from a large number of purely research-based sustainability institutes.

That is already possible

Minor field Sustainability Studies

From the winter semester 2024/25, students in the combined Bachelor's degree can study the minor subject "Sustainability Studies" alongside their main subject.

New courses at the Kassel Institute

Cooming soon

Introduction of a new Bachelor's degree program "Sustainability Sciences - Sustainability Studies"

With the university-wide Bachelor's degree program "Sustainability Sciences - Sustainability Studies", a unique degree course with a strong interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary character will also be established. It takes equal account of the four research profiles of the University of Kassel - nature, culture, society and technology - and is designed with the involvement of all Faculties.

The course is aimed at students who are interested in concepts, practices, questions and further developments of sustainability. The course qualifies students to critically reflect on processes of ecological, social, cultural, technological and economic transformations and to help shape them with professional expertise.

Further development of existing degree programs with a sustainability focus

Integrated Sustainability Studies (iNaS) creates an interdisciplinary study profile that enables students to acquire dedicated sustainability expertise in addition to a regular Bachelor's degree or a combined Bachelor's degree with a major and minor subject such as business law, political science, electrical engineering, philosophy or sociology.

In addition to the basics of sustainability science, the focus is on interdisciplinary learning, exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation between students and a practice-oriented project. This enables students to integrate sustainability perspectives into their discipline in a well-founded manner and qualify them for relevant professional fields.

Understanding of sustainability

Perspectives on sustainability at the Kassel Institute for Sustainability