Prof. Dr. Martin Bauspieß
New at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural StudiesProf. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Arndt
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Martin Potthast
New at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer ScienceProf. Dr. Berrin Özlem Otyakmaz
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Ina Kaul
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Carolin Krahn
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Timo Lüke
On September 1, Dr. Timo Lüke took over the professorship for Educational Science with a focus on inclusion-oriented…Prof. Dr. Nina Skorsetz
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Lea Schäfer
New at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural StudiesProf. Dr. Torsten Mütze
New at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences