Financial Support for University of Kassel Postdoctoral Stays Abroad

Funding for postdoc stays abroad

Please note: This funding can only be claimed if no other funding option is available (e.g. due to expired deadlines).

  • the planned stay is to take part in a conference/workshop abroad as part of the doctoral project
  • no other funding option is available for the stay (e.g. due to expired deadlines or existing rejection)
  • all doctoral candidates at the University of Kassel can apply
    • The official acceptance of the doctoral project is important
    • neither an employment contract nor enrollment as a doctoral student is necessary
  • Assumption of participation fees up to 150 €
  • Travel and accommodation allowance depending on destination and length of stay
    • 80% of the flat rates of the DAAD Congress Travel Program
  • The maximum funding limit is €1000 per application

Example calculation 1

Country of stay: Spain (Barcelona)
Funding duration: 5-day conference

Funding rate per day (DAAD): €52
Lump sum for stay: 5 x €52 x 0.8 = €208

Travel costs (DAAD): €550
Lump sum for travel costs: €550 x 0.8 = €440

Participation fee: €120
Funding participation fee: €120

Total funding: €208 + €440 + €120 = €768


Example calculation 2

Country of stay: USA (Los Angeles)
Funding duration: 5 days conference

Funding rate per day (DAAD): 72 €
Lump sum for stay: 5 x 72 € x 0.8 = 288 €

Travel expenses (DAAD): 1375 €
Lump sum for travel expenses: 1375 € x 0.8 = 1100 €

Participation fee: 400 €
Funding participation fee: 150 € max. Funding amount

Total funding: 288 € + 1100 € + 150 € = 1538 € ⇒ 1000 € max. funding amount

Applications can be submitted all year round. It is important that the application is submitted at least 6 weeks before the start of the stay abroad. In addition, a maximum of one stay per calendar year can be funded.

Please send all application documents together in one PDF file by e-mail to eint-funding[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

  • completed application form
  • curriculum vitae
  • Work plan for the stay or conference/workshop program
  • Letter of invitation from the host institution with duration of stay or proof of duration of conference/workshop
  • Doctoral certificate or other confirmation of completed doctorate
  • (if applicable) Proof of the amount of the participation fee
  • For workshops/conference trips: Proof of an active role or explanation of why the stay is nevertheless essential

If you have any questions, please contact:

Department for Internationalization and International Cooperation
