Master's degree programs
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Advanced degree programs build on a first professionally qualifying university degree and lead to a second academic degree (Master's).
Application procedure
For information on the application process and deadlines for a Master's program, please refer to the respective program page.
All Master Programs
- Agriculture, Ecology and Societies
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Vocational education health
- Vocational pedagogy - specialization metal technology and electrical engineering
- Biology
- Business Studies
- German as a foreign and second language
- Digital innovation and transformation
- Diversity - Research - Social Work
- Economic Behavior and Governance
- Electrical Communication Engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Empirical educational research
- English and American Culture and Business Studies/ English and American Studies and Economics
- English and American Studies/ English and American Studies
- European Master in Business Studies
- Functional Safety Engineering
- German studies with binational option
- History and public
- Global Political Economy and Development
- Computer Science
- Intercultural communication and business
- International Food Business and Consumer Studies
- Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
- Art Science
- Labor Policies and Globalization
- Landscape architecture and planning
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechatronics
- Mobility, transport and infrastructure
- Music Publishing
- Sustainable management
- Nanoscience
- Organic farming
- Philosophy: Environment - Society - Criticism
- Physics
- Political Science: Critique - Rule - Transformation
- Psychology
- Renewable energies and energy efficiency
- Social pedagogy in education, training and continuing education
- Social law and social economy
- Sociology - Social transformations and social disparities
- Urban and regional planning
- Sustainable International Agriculture
- Technomathematics
- Environmental Engineering
- Economics, psychology and management
- Industrial Engineering
- Business Education
- Business Law
Master's degree programs with restricted admissions
English-language Master's programs
- Agriculture, Ecology and Societies
- Economic Behavior and Governance
- Electrical Communication Engineering
- European Master in Business Studies
- Functional Safety Engineering
- Global Political Economy and Development
- International Food Business and Consumer Studies
- Labor Policies and Globalization
- Mathematics
- Nanoscience
- Physics
- Sustainable International Agriculture
Paid, part-time Master's programs via the Management School of the University of Kassel (UNIKIMS)
- Master in Educational Management (opens in a new window)
- Master of Business Administration / MBA in General Management (opens in a new window)
- Master in Coaching, Organizational Consulting and Supervision (opens in a new window)
- Master of Public Administration (opens in a new window)
- Master of Science Industrial Production Management (opens in a new window)
- Master of Science Public Transport and Mobility (opens in a new window)
- Master of Science Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa Region (REMENA) (opens in a new window)
- Master of Science Wind Energy Systems (opens in a new window)