In study

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Course times

Courses for the summer semester begin on April 22, 2025 and end on July 25, 2025.

Voices on the study program

Dr. Felix Morscheck is a health teacher at the Julius Leber School in Frankfurt. In this interview, he talks about everyday working life, his own career and important characteristics of teachers.
Dr. Juliane Dieterich is the head of the master's program. She answers questions about the program in this interview.
Kevin Henkel is studying vocational health education at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. In the interview, he talks about his motivation, his experiences and his expectations of the master's degree.
Merle Neumeier is studying vocational health education at Fulda University of Applied Sciences with chemistry as a second subject. In the interview, she talks about her motivation, her experiences and her expectations of the master's degree.

Here you will find short interviews with various people that revolve around the topic of "Vocational Health Education." The perspectives of teachers of the subject health, of prospective students from the bachelor's program, as well as the program management are presented. This way you can gather impressions and information about the study program.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Who is the study program for?

The master's degree program is aimed at graduates of the bachelor's degree program in vocational health education, or graduates of an equivalent degree program, who would like to deepen their professional and pedagogical competence and have the goal of teaching the subject of health at vocational schools, or aspire to a teaching position at schools in the health care sector or in the area of continuing education and training.

What will I learn with this degree program?

The master's program builds on the bachelor's program at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. Central to this are principles of professional pedagogical action, as well as professional pedagogical research and action competence. In addition, students expand and deepen their scientific knowledge in the subject of health and the second subject. Compared to the Bachelor's degree, the research aspect in particular is intensified, as students work independently on a research question in their thesis. In addition, the degree offers the possibility of an academic career and an associated doctorate.

What can I expect during my studies?

The study program takes place at two locations: At the University of Applied Sciences Fulda and the University of Kassel. While in Fulda you study the subject-related parts, i.e. the subject science of health, in Kassel the subjects of (vocational) pedagogy and (subject) didactics are central. A special feature of this program is that you can choose between two variants: In the first variant, you study a general education second subject and graduate with a Master of Education; in the second variant, you study nursing as a second subject in Fulda. In this variant, you will graduate with a Master of Arts.

What prospects and opportunities does this offer me?

The Master of Education enables you to enter the second phase of teacher training, the pedagogical preparatory service. Once this phase has been completed, you can enter the teaching profession at vocational schools. Possible schools of this type are vocational schools, vocational high schools or technical high schools. The Master of Arts degree, for example, offers the opportunity to take up a teaching position at schools in the health care sector, especially nursing schools, as well as to work in the further and continuing education sector. In addition, both degrees allow students to enter an academic career with a doctorate. While the M.Ed. specifically prepares students for the teaching profession, the M.A. offers a broader range of options, although it does not easily allow students to enter the educational preparatory service.

Can I work while studying? How much?


In principle, you can plan your studies yourself and arrange them in such a way that you can also work in addition to your studies, for example with a 50% job. However, you must bear in mind that this will prolong your studies accordingly. With a half-time job in addition to your studies, you will probably have to study twice as long as with a full-time job, i.e. 8 semesters instead of 4.  An example of a possible study plan with a 50% job would be as follows:


1st sem./ SoSe

2nd sem./ WiSe

3rd sem. / SoSe

4th sem./WiSe

5th sem. / SoSe

6th sem. / WiSe

7. sem./

8. sem. /WiSe


Elective module 10 credits


7 credits


Elective module 10 credits

Second subject 8 credits

Second subject 11 credits

Second subject 9 credits



FD Health specialization

6 credits

FD Health specialization

6 credits



FD Second subject 6 credits

FD Second subject 6 credits

SPS I 3 credits

SPS II 3 credits



Core specialization

(WP: Module 6/7/8)

8 credits

Core in-depth

(WP: Module 6/7/8/9)

8 credits




Master thesis and colloquium

19 credits

16 credits

13 credits

18 credits

8 credits

14 credits

17 credits

12 credits

22 credits


Is the MBG part-time?

The degree program is a full-time program. Nevertheless, you have the possibility to plan your studies in such a way that you can also work alongside (see previous question). In this case, however, your studies will be extended accordingly.

I have a bachelor's degree in health science, nursing or physiotherapy. Can I still study this master's program?

In principle, lateral entry is possible on the basis of a purely specialist bachelor's degree (e.g. nursing or physiotherapy). The exact requirements can be found under "Application and admission". However, in this case, modules from the bachelor's degree must be made up, which can comprise up to 60 credits. The study time is then extended accordingly. In the case of full-time studies, about 30 credits per semester must be completed, so you would have to plan for two additional semesters. If you have a job alongside your studies, you would have to plan more time accordingly.

How often do I have to come to Kassel or Fulda?

On the one hand, this depends on the study option you choose, and on the other hand, on which modules you take and when. In the case of full-time study with the M.Ed. (general education second subject), you have one module in Fulda in each of the first three semesters, which means you have to come to Fulda once a week. In addition, depending on the semester and the seminars taken, you will spend two to three days in Kassel. In the case of a Master of Arts, you also take the second subject of nursing in Fulda, i.e. in this case you have two modules per semester there.

How can I combine my job, family or other commitments with my studies?

First of all, there is nothing to stop you from combining your job, family or other commitments with your studies. You can stretch your studies over a longer period of time by taking fewer modules per semester (see above for an example). In addition, there are various offers for students with children to enable successful studies even with a family. These include, among other things, a preferential dial-in procedure and disadvantage compensation for submission deadlines. You can find out more here:

What costs will I incur? 

The main fixed cost is your semester fees, which are made up of contribution shares for various institutions. Semester fees are due at the beginning of each new semester, as well as when you enroll. Here is more information:
In addition to the semester fees, you must also plan for the fact that work materials and books are required, but these are tax-deductible. The semester ticket allows you to travel certain routes by regional train for free, which may save on travel expenses. More about this here:

What disadvantage compensation is available in the case of a physical impairment?

There is a right to compensation for disadvantages
- in the case of serious or chronic illness or a disability as defined by Section 2 (1) of the German Social Code IX,
- in the case of illnesses of children in need of care and relatives in need of care,
- during maternity leave and parental leave.
Compensation for disadvantages relates to adjusted examination conditions. For example, students who meet the relevant requirements are given more time to complete their examinations. More information can be found here:

When and where are internships scheduled in my studies?

Normally, you will complete two internships (Schulpraktische Studien = SPS) in your second subject, since you have already completed the SPS in your first subject, Health, in your Bachelor's degree. For career changers, however, different rules apply; you must complete the SPS in your first subject in addition to other modules if you do not have a comparable qualification. The two internships each comprise 120 hours. Based on full-time study, they must be completed during the semester breaks between the second and third semesters and the third and fourth semesters. These internships are completed at vocational schools.

Can I apply even if my bachelor's degree certificate has not yet been issued?

At the time of application, at least 70% (pandemic-related reduction from 80% to 70% for WiSe 2021/22 ) of the achievements required for a degree must already have been completed and passed. This corresponds to 126 out of 180  or 147 out of 210 credits). Proof of the preliminary average grade is also required. Proof of admission to the Bachelor's thesis must be submitted at the latest upon enrollment in the case of admission.