Fine arts (artistic degree)

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Image: Martha Friedel

The Visual Arts program offers students the opportunity to gain fundamental experience and skills in the diversity of contemporary art in order to pursue an individual artistic path.

In its modes of expression, the course of study is oriented towards all areas of life. The diversity of artistic positions and focal points is the starting point of the teaching. The course of study, which comprises a total of ten semesters, consists of a 2-semester basic study period and the subsequent study in the specialized classes. After passing the final examination, a final certificate of successful university artistic studies is issued, which corresponds to a Master's degree. Following the studies, particularly talented students can be appointed as master students.

At a glance

Degree: Artistic degree (equivalent to a Master of Fine Arts).

Start: Summer and winter semester

Duration/Scope: 10 semesters

Language of instruction: German

Entrance examination

Access requirement

For this degree program you need one of the following degrees:

A good overview of the various degrees and their differences can be found on the website "Zugangsvoraussetzungen" of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.

Entrance examination

The application procedure for all artistic and design degree programs includes participation in an entrance examination. You can only enroll in this degree program after passing the entrance examination.

Admission may also be possible without a certificate of general university entrance qualification if an outstanding artistic talent has been determined in the aptitude test.

Application deadlines for the entrance examination

Information and advice

Information for applicants

You need information about our degree programmes and assistance with questions about admission requirements, deadlines and enrolment procedures.

Information for applicants: Contact us

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