The first weeks

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Whether by bus, train, bicycle or on foot, there are several ways to get to the university: Getting to the university

You can also use your semester ticket to attend the preliminary courses. The AStA has compiled a list of the means of transportation and the routes on which it is valid: Information about the semester ticket.

Did you not receive your semester ticket in time? Take advantage of the travel reimbursement.

In Kassel, the central locations are Holländischer Platz, Wilhelmshöher Allee, Heinrich-Plett-Straße (AVZ), Menzelstraße (Kunsthochschule) and Aueparkhalle. In Witzenhausen there are two locations: Steinstraße and Nordbahnhofstraße. Overview Locations 

  • Information desk "Information Studium"
    If you have any questions or problems concerning the beginning of your studies, the student assistants of the General Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you: Information desk Studium, Moritzstr. 18 (Campus Center) on the 3rd floor.
  • Helpdesk of the IT-Servicezentrum
    Support on topics such as UniAccount, Wlan etc. is available to first-year students in the first weeks of the semester in the IT Service Center, Mönchebergstr. 11, Room 1740A, Phone: 0561 804-3838
    Important link: New here? Information for students 
  • An overview of all service facilities can be found here: Counseling and Service Facilities
  • Help for students 

Information on semester times, formalities, workshops, etc. can be found here: In study

As a rule, you will put together your own timetable based on the specifications of your Module Examination Regulations . You can also find sample timetables in the module handbook of your examination regulations. You will receive support in creating your timetable in the subject-specific introductory courses. Please create your timetable only after the introduction. 

You can also access the course catalog via this page: In Study - Courses, Modules and Exams.

Many important tips on the subject of examinations can be found here: Examinations - Notes, rights and duties

The examination regulations are listed here:

Know how! The library offers a wide range of support services to help you get started with scientific work. In addition to courses on databases, research or literature management , self-learning videos are also available. 

Moodle is a web-based open source learning platform where students and teachers can collaboratively post, edit, comment and discuss materials: Home Moodle

Starting your studies is hard enough, this year it might be even harder. That's why the IT Service Center would like to help you over the first technical hurdles.

Below you will find a small selection of the services you will need in the first few days. In most cases, there are short instructions on how you can use the services.

From October 19 to November 8, 2020, you can reach us by phone or Zoom between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

For more information, click here: IT Service Center

An overview of the sports and cultural activities on offer can be found here: Sport and culture

The General Student Committee (AStA) is the central body of the student body. It represents the student interests on a political level and contributes to student life with further education, counseling and cultural offers. All students are welcome to attend the public part of the meetings in the AStA kitchen.

Instagram stories about the university