Semester ticket

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What is the semester ticket?

A semester ticket is a ticket for local public transport that can be purchased by students at a college or university for a specific period of time. The semester ticket is usually valid for one semester or six months and allows students unlimited use of local public transport within the respective transport network or even beyond.

The cost of the semester ticket is usually included in the semester fee that students have to pay at the beginning of each semester. This makes the semester ticket compulsory for all students, even if they do not use it. The advantage of the semester ticket is that it is very cheap compared to other public transport tickets and allows students a high degree of mobility and flexibility.

The semester ticket is an example of a service that can be provided by the AStA to offer students added value.

The University of Kassel's NVV semester ticket was replaced by the Germany semester ticket for the 2024 summer semester. The Germany semester ticket is valid nationwide on public transport and is issued electronically for smartphones. The tariff regulations of the Deutschland-Ticket apply

For questions, concerns and suggestions, please contact us by email or on Instagram.

Or at the student house Universitätsplatz 10 on the first floor

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The Deutschlandsemesterticket currently costs 29.40 euros per month. The price is standardized nationwide. The ticket is paid for in full solidarity by all students with the semester fee for enrolment or re-registration and is therefore particularly inexpensive. This price will remain the same for the winter semester 2024/25. 

The ticket is available at available. There you can log in with the university's uk access data and retrieve the ticket. 
The NVV has developed this website where you can show your ticket directly or save it from there, more information can be found below. You don't need an app and the site also works on older devices. 

The technical solution of the Deutschlandsemesterticket requires you to log in online with your uk access data on the website.  

However, if you have done this on your smartphone, you have the option of saving the ticket locally on your smartphone as an offline export so that you can access it, for example, even if you have a dead zone or have used up your data volume. We explain exactly how this works in the instructions.  

AStA and NVV are currently working together with the University of Kassel and the KVG on the technical implementation. Further information is expected to be made available here in the week beginning March 18, 2024.

No, refusal is not a reason for reimbursement.

For students of the Management School of the University of Kassel (UNIKIMS), the semester fee is 158.25 euros. For them, the amounts for the semester ticket, the bicycle rental system and the cultural ticket do not apply. Students on these part-time degree courses spend most of their time working rather than studying and are therefore not entitled to the Soli-Deutschlandticket. 
If UNIKIMS students decide to continue their studies, they will of course receive a ticket as a non-part-time student. 

The ticket on the CampusCard is also valid in the NVV area until April 30th. This is a goodwill gesture by the NVV so that you can still get to university safely, especially in the early days, if the ticket does not yet work on your smartphone.  

The Deutschland-Ticket is issued as an electronic ticket on smartphones. This ensures verifiability and recognition throughout Germany. You can find instructions on how to use the ticket. The AStA offers consultation hours in April to set up the ticket. You can find the dates further up on this page. 

If you are unable to use a smartphone, e.g. due to a physical impairment, you can contact the AStAdeutschlandticket[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]deor come to the office hours of the Department of Social Affairs - we will find a solution for you to use your Deutschlandsemesterticket. 

Due to the legal requirements of the federal government, the Deutschlandticket is a purely digital ticket. The transport associations can also offer the Deutschlandticket as a chip card as an alternative to the cell phone ticket. For ecological, economic and logistical reasons, however, it makes sense for as many users as possible to load the Deutschlandticket onto their smartphone. However, as described above, we will find a solution for those who cannot use a smartphone. 

In addition to the offline export option, it will soon also be possible to save the ticket in Google or Apple Wallet, as soon as this is the case, we will inform you on this page. 

Please note that the semester ticket is not transferable to other persons. It is only valid in conjunction with an official photo ID (e.g. passport, identity card, driving license). This must be shown on request during checks and the original semester ticket should always be presented. 

The new Deutschlandsemesterticket is subject to the general tariff regulations for the Deutschland-Ticket. It is important for you to note that the individual regional transport associations sometimes have different regulations than the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund - e.g. for taking bicycles.  

In the NVV area, the Deutschlandsemesterticket allows you to take children under 7 years of age who have not started school, bicycles and dogs free of charge. In other transport associations, however, additional costs may be incurred.  

Before making a supra-regional journey, it is best to check with the relevant transport associations to see what regulations apply there.  

Refund of the semester ticket

A semester ticket refund refers to the ability for students to receive a refund for the semester ticket they usually pay as part of their tuition. The semester ticket allows students to use public transportation in a specific area or state for a period of one or more semesters.

A refund of the semester ticket can be requested for various reasons, such as a semester abroad, an internship or an interruption of studies for health reasons.

Reimbursement of the semester ticket must be applied for each semester. 

The submission deadlines always start on15.03. for the summer semester and 15.09. for the winter semester.

The deadlines for submitting applications are: 30.04. for the summer semester and 31.10. for the winter semester.   

Missing documents can still be submitted up to 2 weeks after this deadline.

Here is the list of semester ticket refund reasons with the respective proofs

  1. semester abroad: proof of semester abroad required 2nd internship: Proof of an internship of at least 3 months outside Germany
  2. severe disability: copy of severely disabled person's ID card and a current token
  3. no compulsory attendance (degree/doctorate): Proof of residence outside Germany and proof from the examination office that attendance is no longer compulsory
  4. semester of leave: proof of the semester of leave
  5. illness: proof of sick leave of more than 3 months in the previous semester
  6. double enrollment: copy of the Deutschlandticket of the other university
  7. state ticket: copy of the state employee ticket of the state of Hesse. Please note the conditions listed below!
  8. social hardship: bank statements of the last 3 months, proof of rent of the apartment, certificate of enrollment, proof of housing benefit (if available) and BAfÖG proof (if available). With child: Birth certificate and certificate of enrollment are sufficient. There is no deadline for social hardship! The application can be submitted retroactively for up to one semester.

Reason for reimbursement State and Hesse ticket

Since there is a considerable additional effort in processing the reimbursement in the AStA due to the reason for applying for a state ticket, special requirements apply:

The following conditions apply :

  • There is a processing fee of approx. 8 euros in SoSe 2024 based on the hardship statutes
  • All applications for this reason for reimbursement must be submitted directly to in full and correctly
  • There is no deadline for submitting missing documents
  • Incorrect applications will not be processed and sorted out without notification. Please note our office hours of the secretariat or the Department for Social Affairs and Anti-Discrimination for any queries.
  • The state ticket is still a reason for reimbursement, as it is part of the collective bargaining of the state of Hesse, even if it covers a smaller area of validity than the Germany semester ticket newly introduced in SoSe 2024. This is explicitly waived upon application and therefore the Deutschlandticket can no longer be used until the end of the semester on 30.09!

Request for reimbursement

From the summer semester 2024, it will finally be possible to submit an online application again. This option will be available from the start of the submission deadline on March 15 via the link below. You already have the opportunity to set up an account there.

From this point onwards, we ask that you refrain from submitting applications to us by email using the old supplementary sheet. These will no longer be approved. We will complete the processing as quickly as possible.

If you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact us at the following e-mail address: rueckerstattung[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de