Department of Finance

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The Finance Department is responsible for managing the Asta budget and funding projects and events organized by the student body.

Office hours:
Lars Schäfer (Ref.)
Monday: 9 - 13 h

Consultation hours can also be held by telephone by arrangement. An appointment for consultation hours can be made by e-mail to finanzen[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de

or by telephone on 0561 804 3161.


For topics in the area of financesuch as

  • the reimbursement of invoices or receipts
  • the payment of advances
  • questions about the budget
  • etc.

please contact finanzen[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de outside of our office hours.


For the employees of the AStA we are available for internal personnel matterssuch as

  • issuing and amending employment contracts
  • the payment of wage advances
  • questions about payroll accounting
  • changes to personnel data
  • etc.

at the e-mail address personal[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de.

The AStA manages more than half of the contributions paid by students. These funds are distributed by the parliament via the budget - you can find an overview here!

Student House
Finance Office
Room 0108

Telephone number: 0561 804 3161

E-mail: finanzen[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de