Autonomous FLINTA* Unit

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The Autonomous Department for Women, Lesbians, Inter*, Non-Binary, Trans* and Agender Persons at the University of Kassel represents all students who experience discrimination because of their gender. As a department, we want to contribute to a diverse, open, respectful and informed society. In doing so, it is important to us to think together different structural inequalities.

Our space is for sharing and exchanging. If you want to use the space for your own plenaries or events, feel free to contact us. Instagram: flintareferatks / email: *is below

Office hours

Plenary time: Tuesday 6 - 7 p.m.

Note on office hours:


Student House
Room: 2109
University Place 10

Telephone number:

E-mail: flinta[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de