Study abroad self-organised - Freemover

Semester abroad (self-organized | freemover)

If you are interested in a semester abroad at a university with which there is no partnership , you can organize your stay yourself as a so-called freemover. Please note that you will usually have to pay tuition fees.

You can check here whether there is a partnership via your Faculty or a university partnership.

Organizing a stay via another Faculty is only possible in exceptional cases.



  • Independent research: which countries and universities are suitable for you?
  • Find out about suitable offers via an intermediary organization (e.g. gostralia-gomerica, IEC, etc.).
  • Profile comparison: check the courses on offer in the course catalog and compare them with your areas of specialization. If necessary, consult with module coordinators in the Faculty.
  • Contact the International Office of your university of choice or the intermediary organization and ask about the general conditions for a stay as a freemover.
  • Check the possibility of having your tuition fees covered(Auslandsbafög).
  • Find out about scholarships and funding for your stay.




To contact you in an emergency, please fill out the online form:

- Please select "Freemover" as the frame.
- If your institution is not included in the list, you can enter it.
- You can leave the field "Confirmation of coordinator" blank.
- Send the automatically generated PDF file to: