FAQs on admission to the Master of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (PO2020).

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Frequently asked questions about the application and admission requirements

You generally apply with the average or final grade of your Bachelor's degree. This procedural grade is improved by 0.3 grade points if you have completed the following four specializations in your previous Bachelor's degree, each with at least 6 ECTS credits:

  1. Educational Psychology
  2. Clinical Psychology
  3. Work, organizational and/or business psychology
  4. Environmental Psychology

Grade calculator for the "Procedure grade" in the "University selection procedure" quota

According to our current status, we do not know that non-psychological institutes have changed their courses of study with regard to the new licensing regulations or will offer courses to retrain the content. However, please feel free to ask your institute. Unfortunately, the Social Work program at the University of Kassel does not contain the required content and there is no provision for post-qualification. Therefore, admission to a Master's program with a clinical focus according to the new law is not possible.

Therefore, if the relevant content cannot be acquired in the course of your studies or in a post-graduate course, you cannot be admitted to the Master's program in Kassel.

This has not yet been conclusively clarified. As the degree programs abroad do not generally implement all the requirements of the new PsychThApprO, this is rather difficult. As part of the application process, we have created a special form in which you/your Bachelor's university must prove that you have completed the content required by the PsychThApprO in your Bachelor's degree program. This will then be checked by the university and the Hessian State Office for Health and Care (HLfGP) for equivalence. You can find the special form under the "Application and admission" tab. Before applying, please use the special form and Annex 1 of the PsychThApprO to check very carefully whether you have really covered all the content listed and if not, please refrain from applying. Your documents can only be checked by the University of Kassel as part of the regular application process; it is not possible to check them in advance. Please note that, as things stand at present, both of the required Bachelor's internships (orientation internship and professional qualification activity I) must be completed as part of the Bachelor's degree course, i.e. the degree course must not have been completed beforehand and the internship must be recognizable as part of the curriculum on a certificate, transcript or transcript of records. In addition, both internships must have been completed in Germany and meet the requirements of the PsychThApprO. You can also find further information on the internship in the Bachelor's program here. There you can also download a certificate for OrPra and BQT I, on which you can have your internships certified by your internship institutions.

We assume or hope that countries such as Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands will also adapt their courses to the new system in the medium term. In this case, please contact your university for more information.

You must prove that you have an equivalent degree with learning outcomes that meet the requirements of the PsychThG and the licensing regulations for psychotherapists (PsychThApprO). To this end, you must prove that you have completed the required content within your degree program. The study and examination regulations, module handbook, transcript of records and degree certificate are decisive for this. Courses that were completed during the degree program but are not part of the curriculum (e.g. remedial courses, additional courses, etc.) are not part of the degree program required under § 9 PsychThG and cannot be taken into account in the examination.

There is an exception to this,  if the course of study was started by the winter semester 2020/2021 at the latest and the coursework was completed during the course of study at the same university (e.g. postgraduate courses directly at your Bachelor's university). In this case, study and examination achievements that were completed outside the curriculum can be taken into account as an exception.

When submitting your application, you must currently be able to prove at least 80% of your total credits (e.g. 144 ECTS of 180 ECTS). Please use the document "Bescheinigung zum Stand im Studium für die Bewerbung zum Masterstudium an der Universität Kassel" provided by the University of Kassel as proof. With the grade noted there, you will enter the selection process. 

If you still have open modules (e.g. the internship) or your bachelor thesis is not yet evaluated, this has no influence on your chances of admission. You can currently submit your complete bachelor's degree certificate by January 15.

The internships that conform to the requirements for licensure (Orientation Internship and Professional Qualifying Activity I) must be completed as part of the bachelor's degree program and in Germany. Therefore, the Bachelor's program may not be completed before the internships have been completed. On the part of the University of Kassel it is possible to be enrolled in parallel at another university (e.g. own Bachelor University). Please consult with the other university if it is possible from their side. Proof of the professional internships in the Bachelor's degree that are in conformity with the approval must be submitted to the University of Kassel at the latest with the submission of the final transcript documents. Until the evidence is submitted, admission is only possible with reservations. If the evidence is not submitted or does not meet the requirements of the PsychThApprO, exmatriculation will result.

Note: At the time of enrollment, you must provide proof of registration for the Bachelor thesis!

Within the framework of the transitional regulation until 2032 (and if you started your studies before 1.9.2020), this will still be possible in part. However, please be sure to check beforehand! with the state examination office of the federal state where you would like to start training whether the number of clinical credits acquired in the Bachelor's and Master's degree is sufficient for you to start training. Below you will find a list of the state examination offices.

Students who began the bachelor's degree program prior to the effective date of September 1, 2020, and transferred to the master's degree program under the new law may complete the training under the old law.

List of the state examination offices