Complaints Office for Students
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The University of Kassel strives to constantly improve its study conditions and services. In order to achieve this, we rely on suggestions, ideas or complaints from our students. Should encounter any problems at the beginning of your studies or even during the course of your studies, you can inform us of these (also anonymously) using the contact form below .
We will process your request as quickly as possible and - if you wish - give you a reply. To do this, please enter your e-mail address in the contact form.
We assure you that the Complaints Office will maintain your anonymity vis-à-vis third parties.
University of Kassel
Department of Studies and Teaching - Complaints Office
Thomas Haubrich
Moritzstraße 18 (Campus Center)
Level 3, Room 3106
34109 Kassel (postal address)
Phone: +49 561 804-3598
E-mail: beschwerde[at]uni-kassel[dot]de