About us

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As a central point of contact, Career Service promotes networking between the university, students and the professional world. We support students and graduates of all fields of study in their transition to the job market. Further, we back university faculties in achieving key goals related to employability in the job market.

Our offer

We support students during their studies and after graduation in their career orientation and internship or job search by offering a wide range of services. Our information and counseling room in the Campus Center is the central contact point on the campus at Holländischer Platz.

We organize workshops and lectures on all aspects of career orientation, occupational fields and additional qualifications. Our special focus is on supporting students in the humanities and social sciences.

Cooperation with External Partners

The Career Service's cooperation with external partners exists to provide support and networking structures for the students and alumni of the University of Kassel in their search for internships and successful integration into the job market.

Businesses approaching the university to recruit talented new employees are given a cooperation opportunity. It is worth noting that Career Service will not support companies with interests incompatible with the goals of Career Service, including those who could be seeking to use the student populace as a consumer demographic for unwarranted products and services.   

    • University of Kassel students who, during their studies, are looking for internships, job orientation, or assistance in preparing a job application
    • University of Kassel Alumni seeking employment and further networking opportunities 
    • Doctoral Students and young scientists seeking new contacts and further education opportunities outside of the university
    • Employers whom we help in acquiring talented skilled employees


    The University of Kassel Career Service is a member of the Career Service Netzwerk Deutschland.