
When should I state salary requirements?

  • Salary information in cover letter ONLY if asked for directly in the job advertisement.
  • The gross annual salary should always be stated as the salary! No net or monthly salaries.
  • You can state a salary range as a signal of flexibility and willingness to talk, e.g. " the range of 37,000 to 40,000 euros p.a.". However, the range should not be very large. It is also possible to state a specific figure "e.g. is 40,000 euros per year".
  • Do not bring up the subject of salary yourself in the interview. It will be addressed by the recruiters.

On what factors does the amount of an appropriate salary depend?

  • Starting salaries can vary greatly depending on the industry.
  • Larger companies usually pay more than smaller ones.
  • The more closely your qualifications match the position you want, the better your negotiating position. Additional qualifications (including experience abroad, a master's degree, an MBA, a doctorate, advanced courses, continuing education, special IT skills) naturally make themselves felt financially, but it is not possible to say that exactly these qualifications will bring in a certain amount of extra salary.

Why do salary requirements appear in job advertisements?

The employer wants to check whether you have a realistic idea of the salaries paid in the relevant industry. So, before applying, research the salary that is typical for the industry. At the latest, however, before the interview, if a specification of the salary is not required in the application

Payment in the public sector

The collective agreement for the public service at the state level (TV-L) applies; Hesse has its own collective agreement (TV-H), but this does not differ significantly. The salary is therefore not negotiated, but can be read openly or calculated.

In the employment relationship, this means pay groups 9 to 12 for Bachelor's degrees (TV-L/TV-H; called gehobener Dienst) and pay groups 13 to 15 for Master's degrees and doctorates (TV-L/ TV-H; called höherer Dienst). There are no separate salary groups for doctoral graduates; grouping is based on activities and responsibilities and not on degree.

We have provided information on the minimum wage for you.

Where can I find more in-depth information on the specific salary for my desired position?

Essential sites to approach the salary we have provided for you: Linklist Salary

Be careful with concrete numbers you find on the net. It makes more sense to check several sources of information when making an estimate than to accept the first concrete figure you find.

Our tip: Graduating studies

Include graduate studies in salary research! Graduate studies usually ask about starting salaries or income from the first job. Cross-reading these studies is a good way to get an overview of the current labor market situation by discipline. Much of the data is freely available online or by request. INCHER (International Center for Higher Education Research at the University of Kassel) is significantly involved in KOAB (Kooperationsprojekt Absolvent:innenstudien), which conducts these studies throughout Germany.