Press Journalism

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  • (Daily) Newspapers
  • (Trade) magazines
  • Press departments of companies, associations, clubs, etc.
  • Online editorial offices and new media
  • Magazines

Here you will find an overview with examples of regional internship providers.

The majority of permanently employed journalists work in the press departments of companies, associations, clubs or for daily newspapers in a wide variety of departments, e.g. sports, business, local affairs, culture. In the area of magazines, there is a range of consumer magazines in addition to trade magazines, where a connecting factor could be private interest or hobby (dogs, fishing, wellness .....). Trade journals exist for almost all areas of the humanities, but there are not too many jobs here.

Online editorial departments also offer a field of employment. All major suitable employers now have an online presence that requires intensive maintenance.

Work as a freelancer or intern at
in journalistic activities at a media group/ at a regional newspaper/ in press departments/ at an NGO/ an association etc.
Try to gain continuous and long-term practical experience during your studies. This can also be smaller articles, for example for the university magazine. It does not have to be a full-time job.

Requirements for starting a career

  • extensive practical experience, work samples 
  • a good general knowledge, as well as subject-specific knowledge
  • programming and online skills 
  • multimedia skills, e.g. professional social network skills 
  • experience in working with CMS systems  
  • knowledge in the field of image processing is welcome

Especially in the newspaper and magazine sector (printed and digital), there are fewer and fewer permanent positions, and much of the work is done on a fee basis (freelance work, freelancers).
for more information, visit the homepage of the German Union of Journalists (ver.di).

We have also summarized further job exchanges and helpful links.

Public relations, new media, publishing - in many jobs in institutions, the non-profit sector and companies, parts of the tasks from journalism occur, for example, when writing press releases.