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  • Tourist information
  • Municipalities
  • Tour operator

Tasks can be: product management, public relations, editing & layout, tour guiding, tourism consulting, consulting on tourism policy or on tourism projects, such as strengthening local development, consulting and support for incoming tourists in the destination country, consulting on problems in intercultural communication, workshops, projects on topics of sustainable and socially responsible tourism.

Work as/in
Intern:in and part-time in positions where you can acquire the required competencies.   

Requirements for career entry
You need initial practical experience in project management using foreign language skills and intercultural competence. You will gain this through internships and part-time jobs in the tourism industry at home and abroad.

Depending on the focus you choose, you should practice dealing with customers (guided tours), acquire additional qualifications in the field of business (marketing) or continue your education in project and event management (managing cultural events).

You have to be aware that you are competing with people who have a degree in tourism. Nevertheless, humanities graduates often work in regional and city marketing.

Since global tourism is booming, there are definitely lucrative niches, but less tangible professional fields.

Depending on focus: <link>education, <LINK>journalism or other non-profit or corporate work.