Tips career fair meet@uni-kassel

We have compiled tips for you for visiting our company contact fair meet.

If you have any further questions, please send us an e-mail: or contact us by phone at 804 2472.

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As with job applications, remember that good preparation is essential before attending a company contact fair.

The next fair will be held on Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16, 2024. The attendance fair will be held at the Campus Center at Holländischer Platz. The exhibitors can be found here.

These exhibitors for Wednesday, May 15th and Thursday, May 16th for the meet 2024 have already been confirmed.

Different exhibitors will come on both days. The list is continually updated.

On Monday, 13.05.2024 our meet application training will take place in German for preparation. Also on Monday, 13.05.2024, our meet application training will be held in English.

In addition, you can always ask questions to our team from Career Service, gladly also about other fairs. By mail:, phone 0561 804 2472 or via our open office hours at the Campus Center.

No, you can simply drop by the Campus Center on both days of the fair, spontaneously or scheduled, and seek immediate interviews.

In advance, you can take advantage of our counseling, participate in application training, or arrange personal interviews through our database, but this is a voluntary additional offer.

No. You can come and go when you want. Conversations can be held at any time from 10 am to 4 pm on an equal basis.

But you can also make appointments through the online database.

Yes, of course. You can ask, for example, in which areas interns or student employees are particularly sought after and what their exact tasks are there.

But in this case, too, find out exactly about the exhibitors before the fair. Take a detailed look at the exhibitors' websites, paying particular attention to the careers section and researching general information about the employer, the industry and any areas of work that might be suitable for you.

At company contact fairs, employers tend to participate who are primarily looking for students from technical and economic fields. However, many graduates also work for these employers as career changers from a wide range of disciplines and courses of study. There are many areas of work such as public relations, corporate communications, human resources or special projects where many career changers work. The personal profile is more important than the course of study.

If you are unsure or looking for other employers in other industries, please feel free to contact us.

A trade show like meet lasts several hours (10am-4pm) and the crowd changes regularly.

So you can either wait or come back later. Please note that on 15.05. and on 16.05. 26 other companies will come.

Alternatively you can arrange meetings in advance via our database.

Memorize the names of the contact persons and archive the contact data. Make a note of the most important information that may be relevant for an immediate or later application.

If you want to apply immediately, then waste no time and send the documents within 48 hours of the interview. If you want to apply later, you can also come back to the interview in the cover letter then and pick up on the content.

No. You do not need to bring a complete application with you. In most cases, the possibility of submitting an online application is pointed out at the trade fair stand. Make use of this option and mention the name of the person you are talking to at the trade fair, and ask for their business card. We will be happy to advise you on possible short applications, application flyers or ways of making contact.

Answer in English.

Yes, almost all of the recruiters on site also speak English. They will be happy to contact you in English on the day of the fair.
However, you should inform yourself in detail about the company beforehand:

  • Is the company internationally active?
  • Is there an English-language homepage?
  • Is the company's headquarters located in an English-speaking country or is the company part of an international group?
  • Does the company have close ties with English-speaking partners or customers?
  • Are there projects or departments in the company where the working language is English?

The more of these questions can be answered with yes, the more likely it is to be worthwhile to contact the company in English.

All tips also apply to other company contact fairs. The framework conditions of the various trade fairs (international trade fairs, trade fairs for specific professions, alternative trade fairs) may differ and thus also the interview situations, but the strategies for visiting the trade fair can be applied everywhere, slightly modified.

At the University of Kassel, in addition to the central company contact fair meet, the practice fair of the Institute of Social Work will take place on June 11, 2024 from 1 to 4 p.m. and the company fair of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science on June 25.

The meet always takes place in May, the other two fairs in June. Please contact the respective departments for more information.

Present yourself authentically both in digital format and in personal conversation.

Before the trade fair, find out exactly which employers are interesting to you and which fields of activity are suitable for you.

An approach could then look like this:
"Hello, my name is X. I'm studying Y with a focus on Z. I've seen your homepage. I am studying Y with a focus on Z. I saw on your homepage that you have an interesting project in the area of Z. I am interested in an internship. Now I would like to find out about internship opportunities there."

Pay attention to your outfit. However, there are no concrete rules. Pure casual wear is not ideal. But you don't have to appear in a complete business outfit either.

We recommend:
Women: blouse or shirt with blazer.
Men: shirt and possibly a jacket.

Tip: Take a look at how people are portrayed in pictures on the company homepage you are interested in and use this as a guide. This is also a good approach for the on-site interview.