Contacting Employers
Personal contact
Company contact fairs and other event formats where you meet employers directly are very suitable for making initial contact. We have put together some tips for you. You can also refer to such an interview in the first sentence of your cover letter.
Contact us by phone
Contacting by phone is always useful when you really have something to say or ask. You are disturbing employers with your call in their daily work, nobody is waiting for this call. You need good reasons. Don't ask about purely formal trivia or details that are easy to read about on the homepage or in FAQs. You need to evoke interest and show motivation. It doesn't matter whether it's interest in an advertised position or you're going on an initiative search.
Finding points of contact for establishing contact
For students of many fields of study, the job market is more likely to have occupational fields (e.g. "something with media", "field of international cooperation") than concrete professions (e.g. doctor:in, policeman:in, teacher:in for high school). There are no fixed, recurring position titles with fixed requirements that can be searched for in order to apply for an internship or to a job posting. In particular, fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and social sciences fall into this category.
The consequence is that personal points of contact to the desired institution or company and the desired field of work must ALWAYS be created for a successful contact or application.
Tip for students without work experience
Especially for students at the beginning of their studies, it is naturally not so easy to establish points of contact (see section Positive examples).
However, it is possible to find suitable examples from everything you have done so far.
Of course, any example directly from your studies will work as well, as long as you manage to establish suitable connecting points to the desired position. Suitable examples are the best way to create links between yourself and the desired position and thus make your motivation and interest clear.