Preliminary course

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What are preliminary courses?

For some degree programs and subjects, we recommend attending preliminary courses. Pre-courses are aimed at first-year students who would like to refresh their knowledge of mathematics, chemistry* and/or Spanish. The preliminary courses start before the actual introduction dates.

What are preliminary courses?: Pre-course recommendations

Pre-course in mathematics for business and economics majors (WIWI subjects)

The Department of Business and Economics (FB 07) offers the "Preliminary Course in Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi)", a mathematics pre-course aimed at most first-year students of business and economics courses.

Pre-course in mathematics for business and economics majors (WIWI subjects): To the preliminary course for econom. Courses

Spanish pre-course

In order to be able to study successfully, it is important that you quickly develop your language skills after the start of your studies so that you can use Spanish without any problems

at the

 level B1.

We support you in this with special language practice courses, which are called Propädeutikum and are exclusively led by native speakers: Within the first winter semester you will reach level B1 by means of a combination of block courses and regular weekly sessions.

If you do not yet have language level B1, you can attend a preliminary course before the actual start of your studies.

Spanish pre-course: To the preliminary Spanish course