Basic internship in mechatronics
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- Manual and mechanical machining, cutting and forming, e.g. Drilling, turning, planing, grinding, straightening, bending, solid and sheet metal forming.
- Joining and/or cutting processes, e.g. soft soldering of electrical components, brazing, welding processes, cutting technology
- Testing and setting functions/sizes on mechatronic systems
- Programming of mechatronic systems, e.g. PLC or microcontroller
- Primary molding processes, e.g. observation of the casting process, manufacture of pressed parts, plastic injection molding
- Heat treatment of materials, e.g. hardening, quenching and tempering
- Practical activities, e.g. assembly, installation and maintenance of mechanical and/or electrical/electronic assemblies and components, incl. drive and measuring systems
In the basic internship, at least 1 content area from items 1 to 4 of the listing must have been worked on. A total of at least 3 areas from listing 1 through 7 must be included in the basic internship.
- relevant technical vocational training
- FOS school leaving certificate in the technical field
- relevant working student activity with proof of activity
To verify and confirm your basic internship, please send a corresponding proof/certificate to cschneider@uni-kassel, stating the internship period and your areas of activity during the internship. Please include your matriculation number in the letter.
The recognition of the basic internship is bound to the participation of the mentor talks in the 1st and 2nd semester. The mentor interview certificate must be submitted with the proof of basic internship. (Resolution of the Mechatronics Examination Board dated 15.10.2018)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Claudia Schneider
Study Service Practice
Mönchebergstraße 7, R. 3222
Phone: +49 561 804-3732
E-Mail: cschneider[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Consultation hours by telephone appointment during working days Monday to Thursday, between 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
In addition to e-mail and telephone consultations, consultations via Zoom or Webex are also available upon request.