Preliminary mathematics courses of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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Mathematics pre-courses of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FB10) for STEM subjects

Dear first-year students of the University of Kassel,
the Department 10 Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers you the opportunity to take a free preliminary course in mathematics before the start of your first semester. We offer a total of seven different pre-courses in mathematics for mathematics, science, technology and engineering majors. Our pre-courses, whose content is tailored to different fields of study, last between four and six weeks.

Please find out below which mathematics pre-courses are recommended for which degree programs, when they take place, how to register, and for which degree programs there is a mandatory mathematics test.

If you would like to participate in one of our mathematics pre-courses, registration is absolutely necessary.

All information at a glance


Our pre-college math courses work with the VEMINT learning materials.
Even if you cannot join some or all of the courses, you are welcome to register and access the learning platform and other materials.

Compulsory mathematics test
for students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,
vocational education (specializing in electrical engineering)
and the plusMINT degree program

Participation in the mathematics test, which is carried out by FB 10, is a compulsory part of the degree course for first-year students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Vocational Education (specializing in Electrical Engineering) and plusMINT (this applies to all examination regulations). To prepare for this test, we recommend that you attend one of our mathematics preparatory courses.

The next mathematics test is scheduled for 17.04.2025.
Registration deadline 15.04.2025, 23.59 hrs

Registration for the mathematics test

Further information regarding the mathematics test

  • The result of the mathematics test determines whether you have to attend the Mathematical Bridge Course in the first semester.
  • Participation in this semester-long Mathematical Bridge Course is obligatory for those students who have not passed the mathematics test or have not participated in it. Another written exam will then be given at the conclusion of the bridge course. If you have passed the mathematics test, then you may choose from an alternative offering.
  • Here you will find a sample test for orientation.
  •  For those students who did not pass or did not participate in the mathematics test, participation in the Mathematical Bridge Course is highly recommended and offers the opportunity to repeat or learn the necessary mathematics contentas well as to fulfill the necessary requirements for the other exams in time .
  • Here you will find a sample test for orientation.
  • Participation in the mathematics test is a compulsory part of the course for first-year students on the plusMINT degree program.
  • Passing the mathematics test is a prerequisite for participation in the mathematics courses of the major fields of study in the orientation phase.
  • If the mathematics test is not passed or the student does not participate, the course "Advanced Mathematics Course" must be attended in the orientation phase.
  • For students of the plusMINT degree program, participation in the mathematics test is only possible at the beginning of the winter semester.
  • Here you can find a sample test for orientation.

Notes for students of FB 07 regarding the choice of a mathematics pre-course.

For students of economics as well as business education the Pre-course Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi) offered directly by FB 07: https: //

Students of Industrial Engineering and Management as well as Vocational Education are recommended to take one of the preliminary courses offered by FB 10.

Students of Business Education with the subjects Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics are strongly recommended to additionally attend a suitable preliminary course of FB 10 before the 3rd semester.


Dr. Nina Gusman
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
Phone: +49 561 804-4697

Please contact us by e-mail if possible. Your e-mail inquiries will be processed promptly.