Elective modules

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A total of eleven elective modules must be completed. Of these, one to five modules must be chosen from the area of elective method modules and six to ten modules from the area of elective subject modules. You can decide for yourself from which areas the subject modules are chosen.

L05 Introduction and application of Bayesian methods in agricultural science

L06 Communication and biodiversity consulting

L10 Model-based predictions as a basis for decision-making in agriculture

L13 Applied methods of plant breeding

L20 Methods of animal welfare research

L44 Applied methods in animal breeding

E05M Marketing research

I14M GIS and remote sensing in agriculture

I19M Participatory research methods for sustainability

P15M Methods and advances in plant protection

P27M Nutrient dynamics: long-term experiments and modeling - bilingual

L23 Nutrient cycles, energy flows and life cycle assessments

L24 Phytopathology field course

L26 Selected chapters of agricultural engineering

L27 Ecology and multifunctionality of grassland

L30 Vegetation and location

L32 Ecological plant breeding

L34 Ecology and nature conservation

L36 Forage production and bioenergy production

L37 Future workshop on organic vegetable production

L38 Analysis of the climate resilience of agroecosystems

L40 Soil ecology

L55 Understanding landscapes

L56 Knowledge processes and cultural landscape development

L92 Climate change and nature conservation in organic farming

P05 Organic cropping systems under temperate and (sub)tropical conditions

P13 Agrobiodiversity and plant genetic resources in the tropics

L41 Animal-friendly and environmentally compatible livestock farming

L45 Compact module - Dairy cattle

L46 Process and product quality in biodynamic agriculture

L52 Environmental indicators and life cycle assessments

L53 Honey bees and wild bees in the agricultural landscape

L54 Conservation breeding and biodiversity management of farm animals

A14 Organic livestock farming under temperate conditions


L61 Decision theory

L64 Organic food quality, processing

L66 Socio-cultural dimensions of rural development

L74 Policy analysis and institutions in the agricultural and environmental sector

L76 Sustainability science

L78 Processing of plant products

L80 Regional future scenarios of sustainable agriculture

L90 Secondary plant substances in food

E06 International organic food markets and marketing

F46 Quality management and certification for organic products

I09 Sustainable diets

I30 Organic agriculture in Europe


Additional project work may be counted as an elective module. Notes: Project study

Detailed descriptions of the modules can be found in the examination regulations

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