Study structure

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Teaching and learning methods

The structure and organization of the study program should take into account the character of organic agriculture in a special way. Organic agriculture as a science is characterized by thinking in contexts and systems. In the study structure, previously isolated disciplines are partly combined into thematic modules as far as reasonable in order to promote interdisciplinarity.

In principle, all the usual forms of teaching are available for the study of organic agriculture. Particular emphasis is placed on:

- Seminars for the elaboration of scientific knowledge also by contributions of male and female students,
- Projects for exemplary dealing with scientific and practical questions from the subject contexts of agricultural sciences in local, regional or international contexts,
- Tutorials under the guidance of students for the development of teaching content in small groups,
- Practical courses to guide and carry out experiments,
- Exercises to work through course material and practice skills,
- Excursions for practical demonstrations. In addition to smaller excursions, an interdisciplinary one-week excursion abroad is usually offered every year.

Course of studies

The course of study is composed as follows:

3 compulsory modules
11 compulsory elective modules: 1 - 5 method modules + 6 - 10 subject modules
Module Current topics from business and practice
Master thesis including colloquium

Within the framework of the Master's program, module examinations accompanying the course of study must be completed in the following 3 modules, each with 6 credits. These serve to methodically prepare for and accompany the master's thesis.

  1.  Sta­tis­ticsand Ver­seeks­pla­nung  or alternatively Kom­ple­ xeMe­tho­den of So­ zi­al­for­schung
  2. Pro­jekt Öko­lo­gi­sche Agrar­wis­sen­schaf­ten
  3. Stu­di­en­col­lo­qui­um

Students can set their own individual study profile.

Within the framework of the Master's program, students must complete module examinations with a minimum of 36 and a maximum of 60 credits, i.e. 6-10 modules in the following areas:

  • Bo­den and Pflan­zen­bau­wis­sen­schaf­ten
  • Agriculture­animal­science­sen­sheep­ten
  • Economic­cess, So­zi­al and Le­bens­with­tel­wis­sen­schaf­ten
  • Free project

Students can set their own individual study profile. At least one module must be taken. A maximum of five modules can be taken:

  • An­ge­wand­te Me­tho­den der Pflan­zen­züch­tung
  • Sta­tis­tik and Ver­seeks­pla­nung II
  • Me­tho­den of animal­well­for­schung
  • An­ge­wand­te Me­tho­den of animal­breeding
  • Mar­ke­ting re­se­arch
  • Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry re­se­arch me­thods for sustaina­bi­li­ty
  • Me­thods and ad­van­ces in plant pro­tec­tion
  • Nut­ri­ent dy­na­mics: long-term ex­pe­ri­ments and mo­del­ling - bi­lin­gu­al

In individual often practice-oriented seminars, special aspects of organic agriculture and related disciplines as well as methods and languages are elaborated during the course of study, e.g. Soil Science Exercises, Wildlife Education, Poultry Feeding or Technical English.

Detailed information on the module "Current topics in science and practice".

The master thesis has a processing time of 22 weeks. As a rule, there is an experimental and scientific examination of a topic of choice.

Detailed information about the master thesis

Detailed descriptions of the modules can be found in the examination regulations

Information days

The department, together with the student council, regularly offers information days where you can get a more detailed picture of studying at the Department 11 - Ecological Agricultural Sciences.

Information days: Read More

Sample study plan

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