Application with German certificates

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What documents do I need?

As part of the online application for this degree program, I need the following documents:

  1. Scan of my certificate of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur), Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur)).
  2. Proof of health insurance ("Versicherungsbestätigung für Hochschule")
    Membership certificates are not accepted. Please apply for a digital insurance certificate ("Meldung 10") for enrollment at the University of Kassel from your statutory health insurance company, which the health insurance company will send electronically directly to the University of Kassel. For this purpose, please inform your health insurance company of the dispatch number of the University of Kassel. This is: H0000479. If you are privately insured, you must contact a statutory health insurance company with your private insurance certificate. The statutory health insurance company will then digitally notify the University of Kassel that you are "not subject to (statutory) health insurance". See also:
  3. Scan of my proof of identity (identity card or passport)
  4. Portrait photo
    For the CampusCard (student ID) we need a digital portrait photo of you. The photo should approximately correspond to the specifications for the creation of official passport photos, not exceed the maximum size of 5 megabytes. Image formats allowed are jpg, jpeg and png.

Step by step guide

  1. 1.General condition

    • Do I have a university entrance qualification?

    University Entrance Qualification

    In order to be able to study, you first need a diploma entitling you to study at a university (university entrance qualification): Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Fachgebundene Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife, Meisterprüfung or comparable qualification(studying without Abitur).

    A good overview of the various degrees and their differences can be found on the information page "Zugangsvoraussetzungen" of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.

  2. 2.NC

    • I'm finding out about the procedure for admission-restricted degree programs (NC degree programs).
    • Do I have a special life situation that should be taken into account in the application process?

    Admission restriction(NC)
    An admission restriction (also known as "NC = Numerus clausus") means that only a certain number of study places are available in a course or subject. These places are offered to applicants according to a set procedure. Further information about the procedure and the results of the last years can be found here: Admission restriction and eCampus
    Prospective students usually apply to several universities for their desired degree program. This could lead to multiple acceptances and study places remaining vacant. To avoid this, applications for our admission-restricted degree programs are coordinated by the Germany-wide service platform"Hochschulstart". The procedure is called "Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure(DoSV)" and enables applicants to move up more quickly in the event of rejections. Coordination here means that offers of study places, acceptances and rejections are managed. You still have to submit the actual application for a study place via the respective online application portals of the universities. At our university, this system is called"eCampus"

    Special life situations
    If there are special personal reasons, for which you are not responsible, which have had a detrimental effect on your average grade or your waiting time (disadvantage compensation) or if non-admission to the course would mean exceptional hardship for you, this can be taken into account when allocating places. Please inform yourself here: Nachteilsausgleich or exceptional hardship.

  3. 3.Deadlines

    • Can I apply already? 

    The application deadline for this program can be found below the program description on the program home page. 

  4. 4.Overview

    Here is a brief overview of the overall procedure:

    1. You register at
    2. You will receive two procedure numbers.
    3. You register with these numbers in our application portal eCampus. 
    4. You fill out the application form in eCampus .
    5. After some time you will receive an offer or a rejection from us (via Hochschulstart). 
    6. If you accept the offer of a study place from us, you still have to "register" for the desired study program via our application portal eCampus (a formal registration).
    7. In the event of a rejection, you may be able to take part in the coordinated move-up procedure offered by Hochschulstart. 
    8. If this is also unsuccessful, you can still participate in the lottery procedure of the University of Kassel . 

    In the following we will guide you step-by-step through the procedure:

  5. 5.Technology

    • I use a desktop PC or a laptop.

    The online application forms are complex and cannot be completed with a smartphone. Take some time and use a laptop or a PC. 

  6. 6.Hochschulstart

    • I register on the website.
    • I confirm the activation link for my new account at within 72 hours.
    • I receive my personal applicant identification number (BID) and my applicant authorization number (BAN).

      register now on

    You can register at at any time (even outside our application deadlines).

    Further information on the DoSV procedure can be found here: Procedure description and FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions. A semester-related checklist can be found here: Downloads

  7. 7.eCampus

    • Do I have access to my university entrance qualification (e.g. the certificate of general university entrance qualification) ?
    • Do I have the BID and BAN numbers from Hochschulstart ?
    • I open the website of the application portal"eCampus" and register with the BID and BAN number of

      eCampus - Register now
    • I receive an e-mail and click on the confirmation link in the e-mail.
    • I log in again to the application portal "eCampus" with my user name and password:

      eCampus - Fill out application now
    • I click on the menu item"My studies" and then on"Study application" and add an application ("Add application"). 
  8. 8.Waiting

    • I am waiting for the result of my application.

    Check your user account on Hochschulstart immediately after the deadline. You can find out about the current status of the application process there . The respective status is described here: Hochschulstart - Application status. During this time, you can also change the prioritization again. Please inform yourself here: Hochschulstart - Prioritization

  9. 9.Approval

    • I have received an offer of a study place via Hochschulstart , I accept the offer and receive admissionI know that I cannot accept any further offers of study places after this. 

    After admission, you still have to enroll in the application portal of the University of Kassel"eCampus". 

    Cancellation, moving-up procedure, lottery procedure
    After a cancellation, it may be possible to obtain a study place via a moving-up procedure. More information can be found here: Hochschulstart - coordinated moving up. A small chance still exists in the University of Kassel - lottery procedure. Also consider the alternative of choosing an admission-free study program. 

  10. 10.Documents

    You will need the following documents as part of the online application for this degree program:

    1. Scan of my certificate of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur), Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur))
    2. Proof of health insurance ("Versi­che­rungs­be­stä­ti­gung für Hoch­schule")
      membership certificates are not accepted. Please apply for a digital insurance certificate ("Meldung 10") from your statutory health insurance company for enrollment at the University of Kassel, which the health insurance company will transmit electronically directly to the University of Kassel. For this purpose, please inform your health insurance companyof the dispatch number of the University of Kassel . This is:  H0000479. If you are privately insured, you must contact a statutory health insurance company with your private insurance certificate. The statutory health insurance company will then digitally notify the University of Kassel that you are "not subject to (statutory) health insurance". See also:
    3. Scan of my proof of identity (identity card or passport)
    4. Portrait photo
      For the CampusCard (student ID card) we need a digital portrait photo from you. The photo should approximately correspond to the specifications for the creation of official passport photos, not exceed the maximum size of 5 megabytes. Image formats allowed are jpg, jpeg and png:
      • must be passport-size (face without headgear and without sunglasses takes up most of the image area)
      • must be in 4:3 format (if the uploaded photo is not in this format, you have to choose a crop after uploading)
      • must not exceed 5 megabytes in size
      • must not be larger than 1280x1024 pixels
      • may only consist of one of the formats jpg, jpeg, png
    5. If necessary further proofs
  11. 11.Application

    Preparation and filling out the application


    • I use a desktop PC or a laptop. The online application is not suitable for smartphones.
    • I have scanned the necessary documents for the online application.
    • I open the website of the application portal"eCampus":

    • I log in again to the application portal "eCampus" with my user name and password. 
    • I click on the menu item"My studies" and then on"Study application".

    Fill out the application:

    • I select my desired degree in the online application.
    • I fill out the online form and upload any relevant supporting documents. If I am unclear, I read the help texts next to the questions. 
    • I confirm that my data is complete and true and submit my application online by clicking on the "Submit Application" button. The online enrollment page opens.
  12. 12.Semester fee

    • I transfer the semester fee. 

    Fees are charged for your studies every semester (administrative fee, student union, semester ticket, AStA). You will find the exact amount, the payment deadline and the details for the transfer in the application for enrollment. Further information is also available here: Semesterbeitrag

  13. 13.CampusCard

    • I will receive the CampusCard by mail as soon as I have transferred my semester fee.

    The CampusCard is your student ID card for the entire duration of your studies. It is also library card, cultural ticket, payment card in the canteen, copy card, etc. Further information can be found here: CampusCard

  14. 14.Introduction

    • I inform myself on the subpage"Introduction and Start of Studies - Important Dates" .
    • I visit the introductory events in the first week of the semester (before the regular start of lectures) and inform myself about the creation of the timetable. Only then do I create my own timetable

    In the introductory events, the central questions about the structure of the study program are answered. Here you will find tips and information about the organization of your studies and the course of your studies. The timetables are drawn up during this time. And you will already get to know your future fellow students and the campus. So: be sure to come!

    Here you can find the semester times of the University of Kassel: Semester- und Lehrveranstaltungszeiten

  15. 15.Before study

    • I inform myself on the subpage"Introduction and start of studies - Before the studies" about how I can prepare myself for the studies.

Status messages in eCampus

  • In preparation: The application process has been started, but not yet submitted digitally.
  • Digitally received: The application has been submitted digitally in eCampus.
  • In progress: Your application is currently being reviewed. If you sent your application by mail, it has been received. 
  • provisionally excluded: Documents are still missing (e.g. credit for higher semester).
  • excluded: Your application has been reviewed and cannot be considered. 
  • valid: Your application has been reviewed and is participating in the application process.
  • Offer of admission has been made*: You have been offered a place on this course. 
  • Admission currently not possible: You have currently not been offered a study place for this subject. Your application will be taken into account for a possible subsequent procedure.
  • rejected: Unfortunately, you have not received a place for this subject.
  • admitted*: This subject is free of admission. You can now accept the study place. 
  • Deadline exceeded: You did not accept your study offer within the deadline.

*You have a combination that can be studied directly if the status of all subjects is "offer of admission has been made" or "admitted".

If you have not received an offer of admission for all subjects in your teacher education program, you must submit a new application. In this application you can choose all subjects without admission but also all NC subjects for which an offer of admission exists.

Note on the study program "Lehramt an Grundschule":
Here, the study program as a whole is subject to admission restrictions. However, the technical procedure currently only allows us to map the restriction on the basis of one subject. For this degree program, it is the compulsory subject "Core Studies". If you have not been admitted to this subject, this applies to the entire degree program. In the rejection notice, you will - also for technical reasons - only be informed about the rejection of the admission-restricted subject Core Studies. 

DoSV study programs: As soon as you have accepted an offer of admission, you will be eliminated from the current procedure along with all other applications and will receive a notice of admission.

An offer of admission is reservatory in nature. If you would rather continue to wait to receive another offer of admission for a degree program you have given higher priority to, you may do so. If no higher priority admission offer can be made to you, you can fall back on the existing admission offer. You will then also receive a letter of admission.

  • Enrollmentapplied for: Application has been submitted digitally in eCampus.
  • Enrollmentin progress: Paper application has been received and is being processed.
  • Enrolled: You have been successfully enrolled.
  • Enrollmentdenied: There were irrefutable barriers. You cannot be enrolled.

Career change, change of course of study or change of university

Contact and advice

Information study

Phone: +49 561 804-2205
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 15:30
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00


Information desk "Information studies

Moritzstaße 18 (Campus Center), 3rd floor
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 15:00
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00

Information desk "Information studies: More Infos