Change of university to Kassel

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Coming to Kassel and entering a higher semester of study

1. application for recognition of examination and study achievements
When changing universities, students must submit an application for recognition of examination and study achievements to the relevant examination office in the department of the University of Kassel. The contact details of the responsible examination office can be found on the website of the respective degree program.

2. "Certificate of no objection"
If you have definitively failed examinations at your previous university, you must contact the relevant examination office at the University of Kassel. The local examination office must confirm that you can still study at the University of Kassel under these circumstances. An email from the Examinations Office, which you upload during your enrolment, is sufficient confirmation. Overview of examination offices

3. notification of the classification
On the basis of the application and the clearance certificate, the Examination Board will then decide whether to place you in a higher semester and send you a written notification. You will need this notification of classification in order to

  • register for a higher semester at the Registrar's Office of the University of Kassel or
  • apply for a place in a higher semester of a degree program with restricted admission.
If the examination board refuses to recognize achievements, it must give reasons for this.

Transfer from the University of Kassel to another university

Students who wish to transfer from Kassel to another university should contact the responsible examination office at the receiving university for credit.