Contact persons and examination offices

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Program Management

Function/NameAddress/telephone number/e-mail

Head of degree program
Prof. Dr. Christian Klein

Department 07 Economics

Department of Sustainable Finance
Henschelstraße 4 (K 33), Room 1114

Program Coordinator
Benedikt Engel

Department 07 Economics

Department of Sustainable Finance
Henschelstraße 4 (K 33), Room 1105
Phone: +49 561 804 3018

Email: studienkoordination-wiwi[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Student Advisory Service

Function/NameAddress/phone number/e-mail

Student Advisory Service
Lukas Rode

Department 07 Economics
Department of Sustainable Finance
Henschelstraße 4 (K 33), Room 1105
Phone:+49 561 804 2139
Email: studienberatung-wiwi[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Consultation hours:
During the lecture period:
By appointment as an online session via Zoom (pre-registration by email required)

Student Advisory Service

Cagla Mutluer and
Merisa Hadzipasic

Department 07 Economics
Henschelstraße 2, Room 3133
Phone: +49 561 804-7507
E-mail: fb07-ssb-wiwi[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Office hours:
During the lecture period:
By email by appointment or on Mondays in presence from 12:00 to 13:00.

Examination Office

Student council FB07 (student representation)