Interdisciplinary project

Each student has to choose in total 12 credits in an Interdisciplinary project. Two projects with 6 credits have to be taken. It is previewed that the interdisciplinary projects take place in 2nd and 3rd semester.

Interdisciplinary projects differ from other lecture- or seminar-orientated modules and play a key role in the Master program. Throughout projects students are to work in diverse teams of 4-6 students dealing with inter- or transdisciplinary scientific questions derived from a topic in the field of agricultural and food systems. Projects are guided by two supervisors, one supervisor with a social science background and one with a natural science background. Different topics are offered each semester. At the end of the projects there will be a project presentation and a project report. Projects can be proposed by lecturers or by students who in that case should also find the appropriate supervisors for the project they propose. In that regard assistance can be sought by the course and module leader.


Additional short compulsory seminars are offered for the projects, such as:

  • Intercultural communication
  • Project management
  • Scientific writing