Contact and examination office

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Prospective students and applicants

For information on our degree programmes and assistance with questions regarding admission requirements, deadlines, the semester fee and enrolment procedures, please contact our student enquiries support team (Information Studium).

Newly admitted students and current students

Program Coordinators

NameAddress/ Telephone Number/ E-mail

Laura Chaparro

Anna Pagel

Kleine Rosenstraße 1-3,
Raum 3001
Tel.: +49 561 804 -7170
E-Mail: ma-gpe[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Office Hours
Mondays, 12 - 2 p.m.
via Zoom-Meeting:  

Student Body of the Faculty

Nora-Platiel-Straße 5, Raum 2119
0561 804 2872

Student Body of the Faculty: Forward