University for sustainability, sustainable university

Sustainability research

At the University of Kassel, research and teaching on sustainability topics are interdisciplinary and combine natural, engineering, social and societal sciences. The focus is on the relationship between the environment and society, climate protection, resource and species conservation and global transformation.

Study sustainability

You can study numerous degree programmes on environmental and sustainability topics with us or expand your studies to include these topics. The focus is on environmentally conscious action, ecological challenges and practical solutions to safeguard our livelihoods for present and future generations.

Sustainability and knowledge transfer

Making the knowledge of sustainability research available - that is the task of UniKasselTransfer. Patent and innovation management, start-up support, further education, the Citizens' University, dual degree programmes and service learning are bundled here.

Sustainable operation and campus

Operational sustainability development is driven by the Green Office. It is located on the Holländischer Platz campus and is the central point of contact, organization, networking and coordination for all areas and members of the university.

Our profile in detail

Our profile topic of sustainability

Sustainability has always been deeply rooted in research and teaching at the University of Kassel as a profile-defining focus. Almost all Faculties and subject areas contribute to the sustainable development of society.

Our profile topic of sustainability: Mehr erfahren

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