Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian A. Hans
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-6112
- hans[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Standort
- Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
34121 Kassel
- Raum
- Gebäude 6, Raum 1612
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Nach Vereinbarung via E-Mail.
Christian A. Hans hat die Professur (W1 mit Tenure Track) für Automation und Sensorik in vernetzten Systemen am Fachbereich 16 Elektrotechnik und Informatik an der Universität Kassel inne. Zuvor war er von 2015 bis 2023 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme der Technischen Universität (TU) Berlin tätig. Er wurde 2021 an der TU Berlin zum Dr.-Ing. (mit Auszeichnung) promoviert. 2011 erhielt er sein Diplom an der RWTH Aachen. Bevor er an die TU Berlin kam, arbeitete er von 2011 bis 2015 als Ingenieur bei der Younicos AG (jetzt Aggreko plc), Berlin, und entwickelte Regelalgorithmen für Stromnetze mit einem hohen Anteil an erneuerbaren Energien.
Seit 2023 |
Professor (W1 mit Tenure-Track), Universität Kassel. Leitung des Fachgebiets Automation und Sensorik in vernetzten Systemen (ASN). |
2015 - 2023 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Regelungstechnik, Technische Universität Berlin. Vorgesetzter: Prof. J. Raisch. |
2011 - 2015 |
Ingenieur bei der Younicos AG, Berlin. Vorgesetzter: Dr. C. Reincke-Collon. |
2021 |
Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. in Elektrotechnik an der Technischen Universität Berlin. Thema: Betriebsführung von Inselnetzen. Promotionsausschuss: Prof. J. Raisch, Dr. A. Parisio, Dr. P. Sopasakis. |
2015 |
Gastwissenschaftler an der IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italien. Thema: Stochastische Optimierung für die Betriebssteuerung von Microgrids. Betreuer: Prof. A. Bemporad |
2011 |
Diplom (Dipl.-Ing.) in Elektrotechnik an der RWTH Aachen University. Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Entwicklung eines echtzeitfähigen Photovoltaik-Park-Modells. Prüfer: Prof. A. Moser |
2008 - 2009 | Auslandsstudium an der Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spanien. |
2022 | Tiburtius-Anerkennungspreis für Dissertation. |
2021 | Open-Access-Publikationsfonds der TU Berlin für die Veröffentlichung von Dissertation. |
2012 | Stipendium der Reiner-Lemoine-Stiftung für erste drei Jahre der Promotion. |
2009 | Erasmus-Stipendium für Aufenthalt an der Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. |
2003 |
1. Platz im Regionalwettbewerb von "Jugend Forscht". Thema: Chaos - Nichtlineare dynamische Systeme. |
- IEEE Control System Society
- IEEE Power & Energy Society
- EnergieSystemWende Network
E. D. Gomez Anccas, C. A. Hans, and D. Schulz, “Microgrid Operation Control with State-of-Charge-Dependent Storage Power Constraints.” p. TBD, 2025. |
A. Grapentin, C. A. Hans, and J. Raisch, “Robust LQ Optimal Control for Wind Turbine Power Tracking Operation,” in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Ed. Milan, Italy, 2024, p. TBD. 10.48550/arXiv.2407.20922 |
J. B. Lipka and C. A. Hans, “Data-driven model predictive control of battery storage units,” in American Control Conference, IEEE, Ed. Toronto, Canada, 2024, pp. 2230–2235. |
A. Sterle, C. A. Hans, and J. Raisch, “Model predictive control of wakes for wind farm power tracking,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2767, no. 3, p. 032005, 2024. |
T. A. Schenck and C. A. Hans, “Hierarchical distributed scenario-based model predictive control of interconnected microgrids,” in European Control Conference, European Control Association, Ed. Stockholm, Sweden, 2024, pp. 2836–2843. |
A. Parisio, J. Schiffer, and C. A. Hans, Eds., System Level Control and Optimisation of Microgrids. Futures Place, Stevenage, United Kingdom: The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024. |
M. Braun, C. Gruhl, C. A. Hans, P. Härtel, C. Scholz, B. Sick, M. Siefert, F. Steinke, O. Stursberg, and S. Wende-von Berg, “Predictions and Decision Making for Resilient Intelligent Sustainable Energy Systems,” in ISGT Europe, IEEE, Ed. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2024, p. TBD. |
H. M. H. Wolf and C. A. Hans, “Identification of Power Systems with Droop-Controlled Units Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.” p. TBD, 2024. |
A. Sterle, A. Grapentin, C. A. Hans, and J. Raisch, “Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbines with Piecewise-Affine Power Coefficient Approximation,” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Ed. Singapore, 2023, pp. 3586–3591. |
A. Grapentin, A. Sterle, J. Raisch, and C. A. Hans, “LQ Optimal Control for Power Tracking Operation of Wind Turbines,” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, IFAC, Ed. Yokohama, Japan, 2023, pp. 2759–2766. |
A. K. Sampathirao, S. Hofmann, J. Raisch, and C. A. Hans, “Distributed Conditional Cooperation Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Microgrids,” Automatica, vol. 157, p. 111258, 2023. |
M. Rose, C. A. Hans, and J. Schiffer, “A Predictive Operation Controller for an Electro-Thermal Microgrid Utilizing Variable Flow Temperatures,” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, IFAC, Ed. Yokohama, Japan, 2023, pp. 5444–5450. |
J. Lei, C. A. Hans, and P. Sopasakis, “Optimal operation of microgrids with risk-constrained state of charge,” in European Control Conference, European Control Association, Ed. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2021, pp. 2116–2122. |
C. A. Hans, “Operation control of islanded microgrids,” Shaker Verlag, Düren, 2021. |
T. Kral, C. A. Hans, and P. Merk, System for handling short circuits on an electrical network (Patent No.: US10756536B2). 2020, p. TBD. |
C. A. Hans, P. Sopasakis, J. Raisch, C. Reincke-Collon, and P. Patrinos, “Risk-Averse Model Predictive Operation Control of Islanded Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 2136–2151, 2020. |
C. A. Hans, P. Braun, J. Raisch, L. Grüne, and C. Reincke-Collon, “Hierarchical Distributed Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 407–416, 2019. |
C. A. Hans and E. Klages, “Very Short Term Time-Series Forecasting of Solar Irradiance Without Exogenous Inputs,” in 6th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, ITISE Chair, Ed. Granada, Spain, 2018, pp. 1–13. |
A. Krishna, C. A. Hans, J. Schiffer, J. Raisch, and T. Kral, “Steady state evaluation of distributed secondary frequency control strategies for microgrids in the presence of clock drifts,” in 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, IEEE, Ed. Valetta, Malta, 2017, pp. 508–515. |
J. Schiffer, C. A. Hans, T. Kral, R. Ortega, and J. Raisch, “Modeling, Analysis, and Experimental Validation of Clock Drift Effects in Low-Inertia Power Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 5942–5951, 2017. |
H. Zhou, C. A. Hans, and W. Zhang, “Minimax model predictive operation control of grid-connected microgrids,” in IEEE Conference on Control Applications, IEEE, Ed. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016, pp. 58–63. |
C. A. Hans, P. Sopasakis, A. Bemporad, J. Raisch, and C. Reincke-Collon, “Scenario-based model predictive operation control of islanded microgrids,” in 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Ed. Osaka, Japan, 2015, pp. 3272–3277. |
C. A. Hans, V. Nenchev, J. Raisch, and C. Reincke-Collon, “Approximate closed-loop minimax model predictive operation control of microgrids,” in European Control Conference, European Control Association, Ed. Linz, Austria, 2015, pp. 241–246. |
J. Schiffer, R. Ortega, C. A. Hans, and J. Raisch, “Droop-controlled inverter-based microgrids are robust to clock drifts,” in American Control Conference, American Automatic Control Council, Ed. Chicago, USA, 2015, pp. 2341–2346. |
V. Nenchev and C. A. Hans, “Optimal adaptive predictive control of a combustion engine,” in European Control Conference, European Control Association, Ed. Linz, Austria, 2015, pp. 1409–1413. |
C. A. Hans, V. Nenchev, J. Raisch, and C. Reincke-Collon, “Minimax Model Predictive Operation Control of Microgrids,” in IFAC World Congress, vol. 47, no. 3, IFAC, Ed. Cape Town, South Africa, 2014, pp. 10287–10292. |