Wireless Communications Master Thesis T1a


Credits points: 30

300 hours course attendance; 600 hours self-study

summer and winter

Language: English

Module type: elective

Module usability: M.Sc. Electrical Communication Engineering, M.Sc. Elektrotechnik

Module duration: one semester

Required qualifications:
Knowledge of fundamentals in digital communications

Proof of fulfilled admission requirements for the Master thesis according to the ECE examination regulation

Competences to be acquired

Literature and internet based investigation

Independent scientific work

Compilation of a report, preparation of a talk and presentation of scientific results



  • Schemes in the physical and medium access control layers of the OSI model for wireless communication systems
  • Topics of wireless communications

Learning outcomes

  • Independent scientific approach to solve a problem in the physical and medium access control layers of the OSI model for wireless communication systems and related topics
  • Writing of a report and presentation of results in a colloquium


  • Lecturer: Dirk Dahlhaus and team
  • Teaching method: project
  • SWS: 20
  • Credit points: 30
  • Examination: report and presentation
  • Course identifier: FB16-8020