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Plans for this app can be found here: LVSurvey
TiApp (Lecturer App)
Planned enhancements in the SCL project:
- Notes on individual slides and button to switch to note view instead of slide and adhoc questions; to be clarified:
- Option for to switch slide notes to "large" to (almost full screen): allows lecture by notes instead of by slide content.
- Alternative: overlay view where notes appear over slides (then no paint tool, but laser pointer possible; like labeled overlay currently, but not visible on projector)
- Ball with the following features:
- random selection of a participant from server list
- forwarding option, then random selection from remaining participants
- beep sound output on affected device (better yet: ball sound from Solarian2)
Modifications, updates, small improvements:
- Rebuild of the view to start the presentation (is still "old" design).
- e.g. vertical selection of start slide (like in popover), or
- other overview, e.g. scrollable matrix with all pages as thumbnails?
- explicit "start" field, a bit bigger than a button maybe
- adaption of the interface design to iOS7
- Selectable transparency of cover sheet on beamer in app settings (like color/size of laser pointer): Percentage picker or "50 to 100 percent" slider
- Preparation of headset usage as hall microphone
- Preparation of a client transmission of the annotations and the laser pointer
- Annotations each after setting down the finger as a whole object
- Laser pointer possibly with animation effect (Zini smearing) in SiApp: despite time delay with original speed + smearing effect
- Replay button in SiApp for last pointer animation or even annotation?
Perspective ideas:
- Embed slide notes more generally
- Embedding in PDF (save) possible?
- Reading from PDF (Adobe/PreviewApp notes) possible?
File management:
- Integration of Moodle
- List view: offline(local)/online(local+moodle mixed) list
- download from list / upload to list (from iTunes)
- analog also in SiApp (download only)
- manage original and annotated version
- do not show separately but as toggle option
- Switching by button
Make title image interchangeable (from album/photo-roll)
Send multiple questions at once for topic final test
Summary of silent questions by topics/contents/keywords (pick up hints from A. Zündorf)
Integration of annotations in PDF data format; later: full use of PDF format, incl. links etc. (the latter is certainly a separate, independent project)
Blocking some features of TiApp for free version in App Store? How to bypass paid app or in-app purchases and still not release everything? To be blocked would be especially the presentation possibilities, not the interaction possibilities.
Does a uni-distribution work (like the in big companies)?
Do the additional promo codes help? (e.g. 39,90 Euro in the App Store and promocodes for our lecturers?)
SiApp Extensions (Student App)
Learning support in iPhone SiApp
- special optics for red-green questions (pop-up and graphic)
- Button for feedback on lecture speed
- preparation for further feedback
- new icon for questions to lecturer
Other features:
- Counterpart to ball throwing: Show question with possibility to forward ball by swiping it
- Sound for ball input and passing
- Display of annotations
- Display of laser pointer
- Replay button for laser pointer movements
- Sound output of the TI headset (problem: synchronization!)
- Sound output (livestream) not in the lecture hall (how does this work?)
SiApp (Android version)
Establishing the current iOS status. (???)
SiApp iPhone version
An iPhone version should provide at least the basic functions for a presentation:
- Slide display
- Note display
- Laser pointer
- Annotations
- Cover sheet
The following would need to be clarified in advance:
- Revise UI for smaller screen
- Use the wider format as a side menu bar
LearnFSMs App (LearnFSMs)
Adaptation of the app to iOS7 (postponed for now).
Shifting the point for initial state
- Infotext for a vending machine can be displayed or entered.
- Automata should be able to be uploaded to server ("Save") or loaded from there. So you can also give out or correct a task from time to time.
LearnBoole App (LearnBoole)
- Input of tables or KV diagrams or formulas
- Display of the remaining display forms in each case (only on click)
- Touch of formula parts shows table entries and KV fields
- Correspondence table entry/entries <-> KV field(s) by touch
- Mark appointment of higher order in KV, display in second formula or table
More advanced functions (for version 2):
- Minimization of formula without KV diagram