The team of the digital technology department

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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zipf, Peter
Head of department
Zipf, Peter
Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Fiege, Nicolai (M. Sc.)
Research assistant
Administrative technical team member
Name, ForenameContact
Biermann, Mareen
Bischof, Daniel
Administrative Technical. Employee
Dr.-Ing. Tze-Ying Sim Dipl.-Ing. Yanna Mikhlina Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kunz
Dipl.-Ing. Eugen Bayer M.Sc. Hans Christian Ohm Dr. Kai Schweinsberg
Dr.-Ing. Konrad Möller M.Sc. Johannes Kappauf M.Sc. Paul Richter
Dr.-Ing. Martin Kumm M.Sc. Patrick Sittel Dipl.-Ing. Paul Machemehl
M.Sc. Alexander Laber Dipl.-Ing. Martin Hardieck M.Sc. Fabian Wagner