Student work

Offers for students

The Department of Power Electronics offers students innovative project, study, bachelor and master theses, as well as Hiwi-jobs in the context of externally funded research projects. Please inform yourself here about the currently running projects.

Contact person : Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Friebe or Dr.-Ing. Christian Nöding

Project and final theses

We are looking for student assistants for tutorials in the module power electronics

In tutorials of courses, the material taught in the module can be practiced and deepened independently under supervision. In addition, the division into small groups offers an almost individual supervision of students. For the summer semester 2022, support is sought for the module "Power Electronics" for these tasks.

We are looking for student assistants for tutorials in the module power electronics: Read More

General contact persons

M.Sc. Pierre Küster (Research assistant)