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03/15/2024 | Information Security

PKC 2025

Jiaxin Pan was appointed as the program chair for PKC 2025

On 19.02.2024, Jiaxin Pan was appointed by the International Association of Cryptology Research (IACR) as the program chair for PKC 2025 together with Tibor Jager from the University of Wuppertal. Moreover, he will serve as a member of the steering committee for PKC from 2024 to 2026.

PKC is a leading international conference in the area of public-key cryptography. The accepted papers need to go through extensive reviews and discussion among program committee members, which is highly competitive. As a program chair, Jiaxin and Tibor’s task is to form a program committee and decide the best papers that represent the best, latest results in public-key cryptography.

As a researcher, it is a great honor to serve as a program chair for such a leading conference.

In 2025, PKC will be held in Røros, Norway. We wish PKC 2025 a great success!