Safe human-robot collaboration using high-resolution radars
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Problem definition
- Robotics is a key factor in smart factories (Industry 4.0).
- Currently, achieving a safe workspace reduces the effectiveness and flexibility of robotic systems in manufacturing.
- Currently, power and/or speed limitation or separation of the workspace are essential requirements for safety standards for industrial robots.
- Improving the effectiveness and safety of industrial robotic systems can be achieved through human-robot collaboration architectures.
Solution approach
- Architecture of a decentralized robot system based on a radar sensor network in accordance with EN ISO 13849 and IEC 61508.
- High-speed communication via the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
- Safety Ethernet communication based on 1oo2D architecture.
- High-performance detection unit for multiple objects.
- Two separate processors to collect the radar sensor data with 16 100 MB Ethernet interfaces.
- Communication processor to compare the two processors and send the data for processing via a Gigabit Ethernet interface.